
  • 网络Meissner effect
  1. 而郊区卫星城作为郊区发展的核心,经历了50多年的建设,其中一些已经具备了良好的产业和人口基础,但仍然没有产生能吸引市区人口和核心功能的反磁力。

    With 50-year-development , some satellite towns , as the cores of Beijing suburb , though have already formed their population and industry basic , have no counter-magnet for hardcore population and functions of Beijing yet .

  2. 反重力等离子,磁力场

    Antigravity Plasma , Magnetic force fields

  3. 利用作者开发的包括地面站系统和执行机构(反作用飞轮和磁力矩器)的航天器测试平台实现了微型核的自主姿态控制。

    In the same time the related spacecraft test bed includes ground station and actuators ( reactive wheel and magnetic-torque rod ) and can realize autonomous attitude control .