
  1. 电调谐光纤布拉格反射滤波器

    Electrically Tunable Single-Mode Fiber Bragg Reflective Fliter

  2. 单模光纤布拉格反射滤波器

    Single Mode Optical Fibre Bragg Reflective Filter

  3. 窄带高隔离度光纤光栅反射滤波器的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of fiber grating filter with high isolation and narrow bandwidth Narrow-Band holographic reflection filters

  4. 消除虚反射反滤波器单相三电平PWM实验系统中数字滤波器设计

    Digital Filter Design in Single Phase Three-level PWM Rectifier Experiment System

  5. 基于投影法和同态滤波的多模板匹配算法消除虚反射反滤波器

    Multi-Template Matching Algorithm Based on the Projection Method and Homomorphic Filtering

  6. 消除虚反射反滤波器寄生虚反射对外差干涉椭偏测量的影响

    Influence of parasitic ghost reflection on measurement in a heterodyne interferometric ellipsometer

  7. 消除虚反射反滤波器散射波场是入射波场与波阻抗差函数的函数。

    A scattered wave field is a function of the incident wave field and the wave impedance difference function .

  8. 同时,运用衍射光学元件的优化设计方法并结合光栅矢量理论,设计了单层光栅结构的宽带反射型滤波器。

    In addition , broad-linewidth reflection bandstop filter with one-layer grating structure is designed by use of optimization technology for diffractive optical elements and rigorous grating diffractive theory .

  9. 利用反射型Solc滤波器实现了温度传感,峰值波长移动达到0.03nm/℃,其灵敏度是光栅温度灵敏度的2.5倍。

    Compared to the fiber bragg grating sensors , the sensitivity of the temperature sensor based on reflective Solc-type filter can be improved 2.5 times , and the wavelength shift induced by temperature variety is 0.03nm / ℃ .

  10. 串接终端电阻减小信号反射。加载滤波器减小信号传输过程的畸变。

    Connects terminal resistance in series to reduce reflect of signal , add filter to minish signal aberration in transmission process .

  11. 窄带高反射光纤布拉格反射滤波器

    Optical Fiber Bragg Reflective Filter with High Reflectivity and Narrow Bandwidth

  12. 本文研究了均匀槽深的沟槽反射栅脉冲压缩滤波器的幅度加权新方法&换能器加权。

    A new amplitude weighting method , transducer weighting for the uniform groove-depth RAC is proposed in this paper .

  13. 利用共振特性,结合薄膜抗反射条件,设计了旁带抑制的窄带反射型滤波器;

    Based on this characteristic , simultaneously satisfying the anti-reflection condition , narrow-linewidth reflection bandstop filter with low sidebands is designed .