
  • 网络Killing radius;casualty radius
杀伤半径 [shā shāng bàn jìng]
  • [lethal radius] 距炸点或爆心的距离,在这个距离上,炮弹、导弹或其他射弹很可能摧毁目标或杀伤人员

  1. 该方法对于计算弹丸杀伤半径和杀伤面积有实际意义。

    The method has reality significance on calculating projectile kill radius and area .

  2. 投掷兵器的杀伤半径总比一样平常士兵能扔的间隔大。

    The effective killing radius is greater than the average soldier can throw it .

  3. 对大气层外动能拦截弹的制导特性和拦截能力进行了研究,包括拦截空域、杀伤半径、横向修正能力等。

    Guidance characteristics and interception capability of EKV are analyzed , including intercepting airspace , hit radius , transverse correction ability etc.

  4. 通过陡脉冲处理在体大白兔肝脏的实验,定量观察兔肝组织病理改变的几何区域、组织损伤的实际形状和电极的有效杀伤半径。

    In the rabbit liver in vivo experiment , we measured the geometry area of pathological changes , shapes of scathing tissue , and effective killing radius of electrode .

  5. 通过对迫击炮弹结构诸元、弹道诸元、气动力系数、飞行稳定性、杀伤半径、发射强度、安定性、散布精度等进行计算、校核和估算,结果表明:能满足该迫击炮弹指标要求。

    Through calculating , checking and estimating various mortar structure elements , ballistic elements , aerodynamic coefficient , flying stability , shooting intensity , invariability , spreading precision , the result indicates the improved mortar shell meets the requirements of mortar shell criterion .

  6. 导出了考虑导弹杀伤半径不为零时的圆捕获界栅方程,该方程表明点捕获界栅方程是圆捕获界栅方程的特例;

    The equation of circle capture barriers with regarding the hit radius of guided missiles as non zero was developed . The equation showed that the equation of point capture barriers was the special case of the equation of the circle capture barriers .

  7. 以往小口径预制破片榴弹,由于采用触发引信,引信一般放在战斗部头部,所以只要求弹丸具有侧向杀伤,并满足一定的杀伤半径。

    In the past because small caliber premade fragment shrapnel employs the impact fuze and this fuze was fixed at the warhead head , it needs only that the pill is provided with the side kill power and some kill radius .