
  1. 新片聘用了BBC喜剧《伦敦生活》和女性领衔主演的惊悚剧《杀死伊芙》的编剧沃勒-布里奇,以确保这个拥有57年历史的电影系列与时俱进。

    Waller-Bridge , who wrote the BBC comedy Fleabag and the female-led thriller Killing Eve , was recruited to ensure the 57-year-old franchise moved with the times .

  2. 其次,菲比·沃勒-布里奇(《伦敦生活》、《杀死伊芙》)给剧本注入了活力。

    For another thing , Phoebe Waller-Bridge ( Fleabag , Killing Eve ) has spiced up the script .

  3. 带着这种愤世嫉俗的心态,我去看了2018年大热剧集《杀死伊芙》的第二季。

    And it was with this cynical mentality that I approached the second season of 2018 's breakout hit Killing Eve .

  4. 第76届金球奖颁奖典礼将于2019年1月6日播出,颁奖嘉宾是《杀死伊芙》女主吴珊卓和《神烦警探》中的安迪·萨姆伯格。

    The 76th Annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony will air on 6 Jan 2019 , presented by Killing Eve star Sandra Oh and Brooklyn Nine-Nine 's Andy Samberg .

  5. 但奇怪的事出现了:《杀死伊芙》第二季没有让我失望,至少已经播出的这两集没。

    But then a strange thing happened : Killing Eve 's second season , at least the two episodes screened in advance for critics , didn 't let me down .