
shā shǒu
  • killer;gunslinger;-cide;profession killer;able person
杀手 [shā shǒu]
  • (1) [profession killer]∶以谋杀为职业的人

  • (2) [able person]∶比喻技艺高超,使对方惨败的人

杀手[shā shǒu]
  1. 那名连环杀手声称已经杀了400人。

    The serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people .

  2. 心脏病是头号杀手,每年夺去18万条生命。

    Heart disease is the biggest killer , claiming 180,000 lives a year .

  3. 你和那辆车——真是一对杀手!

    You and that car ─ it 's a lethal combination !

  4. 这是杀手前锋本赛季的第11个进球。

    It was the deadly striker 's 11th goal of the season .

  5. 警方推测那些杀手可能会假装成搭便车的人。

    Police are theorizing that the killers may be posing as hitchhikers

  6. 其他警官追了上去,可是杀手还是逃了。

    Other officers gave chase but the killers escaped .

  7. 那些冷血杀手那时已经将他们的尸体拖到楼上浴室里。

    Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom

  8. 为了掩盖这件事,已经派出一名职业杀手去杀她灭口。

    A hit man had been sent to silence her over the affair .

  9. 在多数发达国家,心脏病是导致人们死亡的头号杀手。

    Heart disease is the biggest killer of men in most developed countries .

  10. 抑郁是威胁我的病人健康的第三大杀手。

    Depression is the third thing that works to my patients ' disadvantage .

  11. 这部电影是讲一个连环杀手的,不适合胆小的人看。

    It 's a film about a serial killer and not for the faint-hearted .

  12. 查明杀手身份的重要线索是他的外号叫“花生”。

    The vital clue to the killer 's identity was his nickname , Peanuts .

  13. 她可能会威胁要拿出她的杀手锏:出自传来爆料糗事。

    She could threaten to play her trump card , an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures .

  14. 肺癌现在已经取代乳腺癌成为美国女性的一大杀手。

    Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US

  15. 食人杀手杰弗里·达默被抓到试图将一片剃须刀片藏在牢房里。

    Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer has been caught trying to hide a razor blade in his cell .

  16. 杀手消失得无影无踪。

    The killer disappeared without a trace .

  17. 一个粗心大意的司机就是一个杀手。

    A careless driver is a killer .

  18. 那个系列杀手被送去精神分析医师那儿。

    The serial killer was sent to an analyst .

  19. 来看英语解释:在比赛中特别狠命的一击,直接把对方K.O.因此,Sundaypunch是指最厉害的一击,可以延伸为某人最后的杀手锏。

    Sunday punch means a particularly heavy blow or a powerful punch able to knock someone out

  20. 但是你肯定不会动手杀掉他们,因为你不是杀手。

    But you never would because you 're not a murderer . For example :

  21. 在新奥尔良,一个看不清面目的杀手翻找着埃利斯的随身物品,寻找线索。

    In New Orleans , an unseen killer rummages through Ellis ' belongings looking for clues .

  22. 安西娅正打算亮出杀手锏,没有她的签名,就无法放款。

    Anthea was about to play her trump card - without her signature none of the money could be released .

  23. 这本书读起来非常真实,布里甘特也是个不同寻常的角色:既是个生命力顽强的杀手,也是个言行谨慎的聪明人。

    The book hums with authenticity25 , and Brigante is a standout character : a killer9 and a survivor26 , but smart and thoughtful with it .

  24. 英国国家统计局的数据显示,在英国,痴呆症是仅次于心脏病的第二大杀手。

    Dementia is the second biggest killer5 in the UK behind heart disease , according to the UK Government agency , the Office for National Statistics .

  25. 研究人员称,一种电脑程序可以通过常规扫描准确识别乳腺癌,而且它的准确率比人类专家的更高。他们希望该电脑程序可以在与乳腺癌这一全球杀手的斗争中取得突破。

    A computer programme can identify breast cancer from routine scans with greater accuracy than human experts , researchers said in what they hoped could prove a breakthrough in the fight against the global killer .

  26. 因为email是第一个杀手级互联网应用,它被用在各种地方,但我们现在已经拥有更好的方式实现信息的传递。

    Since email was the first killer app for the web , it 's used for everything .

  27. 3G杀手级业务的产生和培育

    Emergence and Cultivation of 3G Killer Operation

  28. 全球数百万的人们在使用Blog和产品评论之类的杀手级应用程序(Killerapplication)来分享自己的观点和经验。

    Millions of people worldwide now use killer applications , such as blogs and product reviews , to share their opinions and experiences .

  29. 作为3G应用的杀手级产品,手机电视日益受到各家运营商的重视。

    Mobile TV is being taken more seriously by Telecommunication Operators as a Killer Application of 3G network .

  30. 他以在全美拥有逾100家葡萄酒特大型超级市场的TotalWineMore为例,证明品类杀手模式仍在努力运作。

    He points to Total Wine More , with over 100 wine hypermarkets across the US , as another example of the category-killer model still hard at work .