
  • 网络aerosol
  1. HAPs油基杀虫气雾剂水分引起腐蚀及其控制研究

    Control of corrosion of HAPs oil-based insecticide aerosol which caused by moisture

  2. 飞机专用杀虫气雾剂的研究

    Study on Aircraft Aerosol Insecticide

  3. 94%杀虫气雾剂为有机载体(油剂)。

    94 % of pesticide contain organic carrier ( lipid-preparation ) .

  4. 目的评价家用卫生杀虫气雾剂的安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the safety of household insecticide aerosol .

  5. 4种杀虫气雾剂对卫生害虫的药效测定

    Efficacy of 4 different formulation aerosols against hygienic insects

  6. 杀虫气雾剂的配方及杀虫效果研究

    Study on the formulation of aerosol insecticides and their control effects against insects

  7. 结论4种杀虫气雾剂对蚊、蝇和蟑螂均有较好的杀灭效果。

    Conclusion 4 different formulation aerosols had good efficacy against mosquitoes flies and cockroaches .

  8. 实验结果提示,卫生杀虫气雾剂能诱发蚕豆根尖细胞微核率增加,具有致突变性。

    The results suggested that pulic health insecticides aerosol had mutagenicity in this experiment .

  9. 除虫菊素杀虫气雾剂对蚊蝇的药效研究

    Efficacy of pyrethrin aerosol against mosquitoes and flies

  10. 杀虫气雾剂对飞蛾药效测定及评价研究

    Efficacy test and evaluation of aerosol against moth

  11. 结论天然除虫菊素杀虫气雾剂具有安全,高效等特点,值得推广应用。

    Conclusion Pyrethrins aerosol was safe for use and had high efficacy . It should be generalized .

  12. 目的测定4种不同配方杀虫气雾剂对常见的3种卫生害虫的药效。

    Objective To test the control efficacy of 4 different formulation aerosols against 3 species of insects .

  13. 7种杀虫气雾剂对淡色库蚊灭效的比较研究卫生杀虫气雾剂中一组三元复配配方筛选研究

    Comparison on control efficacy of seven aerosols to Culex pipiens pallens Screening mixed three-pyrethroids for aerosol insecticide

  14. 结论所有设计的杀虫气雾剂配方对蚊、蝇和蟑螂等具有很好的击倒作用和杀灭效果。

    Objective To test the control effect of aerosol insecticides with different formulation against mosquitoes , flies , and cockroaches . Conclusion All aerosol insecticides with different formulation designed for this study had significant knocking down and killing effect .

  15. 目的:将杀虫有效成份不同的油基杀虫气雾剂在实验室进行了对蚊蝇的药效测试,测试方法按照GB13917。

    It was compared the killing effects to fly and mosquito of oil-based insecticide aerosols with different active ingredients .