
  • 网络butane dehydrogenation;BDH
  1. 应用数学模型模拟膜反应器中丁烷脱氢

    Mathematical modeling of butane dehydrogenation in inorganic membrane reactor

  2. 锶助剂对铂锡催化剂正丁烷脱氢催化性能的影响

    Influence of strontium on ptsn / al 2O 3 catalysts in n butane dehydrogenation

  3. 镧对V2O5/γ-Al2O3催化剂在异丁烷脱氢中活性的影响

    The Effect of La Doped on V_2O_5 / γ - A1_2O_3 Catalyst for Activity in the Dehydrogenation of Isobutane

  4. 异丁烷脱氢催化剂V-O-Al水热-流体干燥法合成

    Hydrothermal-fluid Drying Synthesis of New V-O-Al Catalyst for the Dehydrogenation of Isobutane

  5. 弱酸中心有利于异丁烷脱氢反应的发生,较小的孔结构能提高反应的选择性。

    Smaller pore structure of catalysts can improve selectivity of isobutane .

  6. 稀土在异丁烷脱氢催化反应中的助催化作用

    The Function of Rare Earth as Promoters of he Catalyst in Dehydrogenation of Isobutane

  7. 无机膜反应器中丁烷脱氢的研究

    Dehydrogenation of butane in inorganic membrane reactor

  8. 因此,通过异丁烷脱氢扩大异丁烯的来源是必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to extend the resource of isobutene by dehydrogenation of butanes .

  9. 目前,正丁烷脱氢异构催化剂可以分为两类,过渡金属双功能催化剂和过渡金属氮化物、碳化物和碳氧化物催化剂。

    The catalysts on studying can divide into two kinds : the transition metal bifunctional catalysts and the nitride , carbide and oxycarbide catalysts of transition metals .

  10. 本文对异丁烷脱氢反应制异丁烯过程催化剂体系及其反应机理进行了述评,指出异丁烷脱氢依然是最有潜力的转化途径,但非贵金属高效催化剂的研制是其关键。

    Recent progress of the catalysts , reaction routes and mechanism of isobutane dehydrogenation is reviewed . The key for isobutane dehydrogenation is to synthesize non-noble mental catalysts .

  11. 激光促进Pb和Bi磷酸盐表面上异丁烷氧化脱氢反应

    Laser Stimulated Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Isobutane to Isobutene on the Surface of Pb and Bi Phosphate

  12. VOx/SiO2催化剂上异丁烷催化脱氢制异丁烯

    Isobutane Catalytic Dehydrogenation to Isobutylene on VO_x / SiO_2 Catalysts

  13. 正丁烷氧化脱氢VOx/SiO2催化剂及其改性研究

    VO_x / SiO_2 Catalysts Undoped and Doped for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of n-Butane

  14. 用柠檬酸盐法合成了第一系列过渡金属(Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu和Zn)及Mg的钼酸盐催化剂,研究了它们对正丁烷氧化脱氢反应的催化作用。

    Molybdates of the first-row transition metals ( Cr , Mn , Fe , Co , Ni , Cu , Zn ) and Mg have been prepared by the citrate method and their catalytic performance for the n-butane oxidative dehydrogenation has been studied .

  15. 丁烷氧化脱氢V-Mg-O系催化剂的研究

    Oxidative Dehydrogenation of n - Butane over V-Mg-O Catalysts

  16. V-Mg-O催化剂上丁烷氧化脱氢及惰性无机膜反应器中低碳烃类选择氧化的研究

    Oxidative Dehydrogenation of butane over V-Mg-O Catalyst and Selective Oxidation of Lower Hydrocarbons Using Inert Inorganic Membrane Reactor

  17. 比较了固定床反应器(FBR)、惰性膜反应器(IMR)与混合式惰性膜反应器(MIMR)用于丁烷氧化脱氢制丁烯和丁二烯反应的性能。

    The oxidative dehydrogenation of butane to butene and butadiene was studied by using conventional fixed bed reactor ( FBR ), inert membrane reactor ( IMR ) and mixed inert membrane reactor ( MIMR ) .

  18. 钒基催化剂上正丁烷氧化脱氢反应研究

    Study in the n-Butane Oxidative Dehydrogenation Reaction Over Vanadium-based Oxide Catalysts

  19. 1,2-环己二醇催化脱氢制备邻苯二酚异丁烷催化脱氢制异丁烯技术研究

    Synthesis of Catechol by Dehydrogenation of 1,2-Cyclohexanediol Research on Preparing Technology of Isobutylene with Isobutane Dehydrogenation

  20. 正丁烷氧化脱氢作为其中的一个重要反应,不论在理论研究还是在工业应用方面均具有重要意义。

    As a vital reaction of the selective oxidation , the oxidative dehydrogenation ( ODH ) of n-butane is becoming increasingly important not only in academic research but also in industrial utilization .

  21. 随丁烯需求量的日益增加,正丁烷氧化脱氢作为其中的一个重要反应,越来越受到重视。

    With the increasing desire of butene , the n-butane oxidative dehydrogenation ( ODH ) being as a vital reaction of the selective oxidation has drawn more and more attention throughout of the world .

  22. 综述了正丁烷一步脱氢异构催化剂的研究现状。

    The studies in the catalysts for dehydroisomerization of n-butane are reviewed .

  23. 通过载体优选,选用硅胶作为其载体更适合正丁烷的催化脱氢反应。

    The silica gel which was more suitable for dehydrogenation of n-butane was chosen as carrier from several carriers .

  24. 摘要介绍我国异丁烷和异丁烯资源的利用现状,重点对异丁烷脱氢制备异丁烯的反应机理、反应流程和催化剂类型进行了论述。

    The current situation of utilizing isobutane and isobutylene in China were introduced , the reaction mechanism , reaction process and types of catalyst for preparing isobutylene via dehydrogenation of isobutane were narrated emphatically .