
  1. 丁善德作品在台湾的传播调查&社会变迁、文化政策与音乐关系的思考

    An Analysis of the Relationship between Social Change , Cultural Policy and Music

  2. 对丁善德艺术歌曲创作及演唱的分析与思考

    The Analyzing and Thinking about the Composition and Singing of Ding Shan De ' Art Songs

  3. 丁善德的钢琴组曲《春之旅》,在探索创作中国钢琴作品的道路上具有重要的地位。

    Ding Shan-de 's piano cento " Journey of Spring " plays an important role in China 's piano music .

  4. 在第二章,笔者从旋律、和声、调式等诸多创作因素入手,对丁善德钢琴音乐创作中的民族特性进行了分析,力图把握其创作对民族风格音乐要素的应用及创作手法的独到之处;

    In Chapter 2 , I analyze the nationality features in his musical creation from the elements of rhythm , harmony , tune and so on , trying to grasp its outstanding originality on the application of nationality musical elements and techniques .

  5. 丁善德先生是20世纪我国著名的作曲家、钢琴家、音乐教育家、音乐活动家。他一生创作了三十多首艺术歌曲,对我国艺术歌曲的创作和发展产生了积极的影响。

    As one of the most typical composers , pianists , musical educators and activists of China in 20th century , Mr. Ding Shan De composed thirty art songs in all his life , and had an active influence on composition and development of Chinese art songs .