
  • 网络Saudade de minha terra
  1. 我们为什么这样怀念故乡呢?

    Why do we yearn this much for the native land ?

  2. 同朋友喝酒,嚼着薄片的雪藕,忽然怀念起故乡来了。

    As I sit drinking with friends and chewing thin slices of snowy lotus root I am suddenly reminded of home .

  3. 有些是纪念前总统的,我总是怀念着我的故乡。

    Some honor former presidents . I carry memories of my homeland around with me .

  4. 除此之外,《南瀛之美》的出版配合向往自然、怀念乡土、童年故乡的题材与情节构筑出对环境的教育。

    Besides , the publication of The Beauty of Nan-Ying series represents the education of environment through the yearning toward nature and country , including the subject matters and plots in the texts .