
  • 网络white plains
  1. 德克萨斯石油公司的总部设在纽约的怀特普莱恩斯,公司的名字却来自德克萨斯这个州名。

    The Texas Oil Company is headquartered in White Plains , New York , but its name is derived from the state of Texas .

  2. 今天在纽约怀特普莱恩斯法院进行的自由辩论中,克里因一件事故面临多项轻罪指控,当时她的车撞上了一辆牵引拖车,而她晕倒在驾驶席。

    During the liberal debate today in White Plains New York courtroom , Kerry has been faced with minor charges on an incident where her car struck a tractor-trailer when she was found slump over the wheel .