
  1. 五是以四渡河村为主,挖掘“蓝色”怀九河文化,打造生态观光游览基地。

    Fifthly , with the Siduhe Village being the center , excavate the " blue " Huaijiuhe and build the ecological sightseeing base .

  2. 怀九河源头的物种丰度和硅藻多度均最大,洞台、黄坎丝状蓝藻占优势,怀柔水库绿藻占优势;

    The headwaters of Huaijiuhe River have highest species abundance and the highest diatom density , filamentous blue algae dominate in Dongtai and Huangkan , and green algae dominate in Huairou Reservoir ;