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  • 网络Huaisu;light ink
  1. “怀素抱朴”&全国高等美术学院油画专业教师纸上作品展,杭州;

    Huaisu Baopu national art college oil painting teacher paper work exhibition Hangzhou ;

  2. 程序预设了行书、草书、王羲之、怀素、徽宗、苏轼等十来种风格。

    Procedures drawn a running hand , scribbles , Wang wrote , Transmutation of HUI Zong , such as Sushi to 10 species of style .

  3. 从甲骨文到竹简隶书到怀素的狂草,相同的字在历史演变中形式发生了那么多变化,而其本质承载的含义相比之下几乎是不变的。

    From oracles to clerical script to cursive writing , same character in its historic evolution changed its shape in various ways , but its rudimental meaning stay relatively unchanged .

  4. 同时阐述日本书法理论界与收藏界对怀素《自叙帖》流日残卷的考据和研究,进一步探究怀素及其草书艺术在日本的传播和影响。

    At the same time , Japanese calligraphy theorists and collectors study further on the Huai Su " Zixu posts " Fragments in Japan , to explore the spread and impact of Huai Su and his cursive art in Japan .

  5. 对中晚唐的草书僧群体作一梳理,并分析他们的书法风格及源流、书写环境、表现方式等,从而得出结论:在风格上主要受张旭、怀素的影响;

    After pectination of cursive script monk colony during the Middle and late Tang Dynasty , analyses of their calligraphy styles , origin , calligraphy environment and mode of displaying , the paragraph drew a conclusion of the calligraphy style mainly influenced by Zhang Xu and Huai Su .