
chán táng
  • meditation room;a room in a Buddhist monastery set apart for meditation;Zendo;meditation room in a Buddhist monastery
禅堂 [chán táng]
  • [Zendo;meditation room in a Buddhist monastery] 参禅处所;僧堂

  • 同入禅堂

禅堂[chán táng]
  1. 菩提禅堂每周主办禅修班及佛法开示,并且每月举办密集共修。

    Bodhi Meditation Centre offers weekly meditation sessions , Dhamma talks and monthly retreats .

  2. 这我不清楚。不过在那间黑暗的禅堂内,对我而言,情况的确可能变得相当激烈。

    I don 't know about that , but it 's true that what goes on in that dark meditation room for me can get pretty intense .

  3. 有天晚上,她在禅堂与大家共修时,有一个声音来对她说,“今晚你会死。”

    One evening , when she was sitting in meditation with the group in the meditation hall , a voice came to her and said ," You 're going to die tonight . "

  4. 他还有个习慢,走出禅堂时等我,因为他喜欢看我气得吹胡子瞪眼爬出来的模样,好像我才跟鳄鱼恶鬼打过架。

    Another habit he has is to wait for me when I come out of the meditation hall because he likes to see how wigged out and spazzy I look when I crawl out of there . Like I 've been wrest-ling alligators and ghosts .