
  • 网络zen buddhism
  1. 本文还分析了塞林格和霍尔顿在《守望者》中对佛教禅宗思想理解的不彻底所引起的局限性,如未能认识众生平等及现实事件的本质、缺乏持戒(自律)的毅力等。

    In addition , the thesis analyzes Salinger and Holden 's superficial realization of the spirit of Zen Buddhism , such as their misunderstanding of beings ' equality , unawareness of the essence of realities , and lacking in self-discipline .

  2. 禅宗思想启示了李贽对本心、真心的重视,并构筑了童心说的理论框架。

    Zen Buddhism inspire Li Zhi to value the true heart and to construct a basis for the theory of Child 's Mind .

  3. 论禅宗思想对日本俳句的影响

    A Discussion on the Influence of Zen Thoughts on Japanese Haiku

  4. 禅宗思想与日本古典园林建筑

    The Influence of Zen on Architecture and Garden in Ancient Japan

  5. 论王维的禅宗思想及其诗歌的禅宗意象

    A Zen and Imagery Analyse of Wang Wei 's Thoughts and Poems

  6. 禅宗思想的发展成熟,推进了意境审美不断走向空灵飘逸。

    The maturity of Buddhism propels the artistic concept into ethereal beauty .

  7. 禅宗思想对少林功夫发展的主导作用分析

    On the Leading Role of Zen Thought in the Development of Shaolin Wushu

  8. 禅宗思想与诗歌一直有着很深的因缘关系。

    There is a deep and long causality between Zen thoughts and poetry .

  9. 禅宗思想对心理治疗的启示

    The Enlightenment of Zen 's Thought to Psychotherapy

  10. 禅宗思想影响下的古今日本建筑庭园空间

    The Influence of Chan on the Courtyard Space of Ancient and Modern Japanese Architecture

  11. 突破与超越&试论禅宗思想对中国诗学的影响

    Breakthrough and Transcendence ── the Influence of the Chan Sect on China 's Ideology

  12. 末日意识新精神分析学与禅宗思想的伦理导向性。

    The ethical direction of the two thought .

  13. 简单,是一个非常本质的东西,禅宗思想也是最强调这一点。

    Simpleness is a very essential thing , and the Zen ideology also emphasize this point .

  14. 其文化渊源乃在《周易》“七日来复”之道和佛教禅宗思想。

    The origin is the " Hebdomad Reiteration " in ZhouYi and Zen Ideology of Buddhism .

  15. 自由主义与禅&以胡适的禅宗思想史研究为例

    Liberalism and Zen : A case research in terms of Hu Shi 's intellectual history of Zen

  16. 试论佛、道、儒的冲突与调和对禅宗思想的影响

    Discussion the Effect of the Conflict and Reconciliation Among Buddhism 、 Confucianism and Taoism to the Zen

  17. 《禅宗思想的形成与发展》。南京:江苏古籍出版社,2000年。

    The Formation and Development of Zen Ideas . Nanjing : Jiangsu Classics Publishing House , 2000 .

  18. 本文从陶瓷装饰层面着手,阐述了禅宗思想与古今陶瓷艺术装饰的关系。

    This paper takes an insight into the relationship between Zen and ceramic decorations in ancient and contemporary times .

  19. 禅宗思想与中国传统的诗歌有机结合,形成了风格鲜明的禅意诗歌。

    Zen thoughts unite with the Chinese traditional poetry organically , forming the Zen poetry of a distinctive style .

  20. 禅宗思想里蕴含着丰富的美学智慧,它是中国艺术发展的灵魂。

    There is rich aesthetic wisdom in the Zen thought , which is the soul of thedevelopment of Chinese art .

  21. 浅析禅宗思想对中国古典私家园林的影响&以苏州名园狮子林为例

    An Analysis of Impaction of Zen on the Chinese Traditional Private Garden & the Famous Linger Garden of Suzhou as Example

  22. 中唐是禅宗思想对作家和文学都产生了广泛影响的时代。

    Inside Tang is a Chan the thought produced the extensive the times of influence with literature all to the writer .

  23. 受禅宗思想的影响,中国古典美学形成了意境、妙悟等重要范畴。

    Zen though badly influenced the ancient aesthetics of China and push it finally formed the important category of artistic conception and apperception .

  24. 本文力图探索与挖掘佛教禅宗思想与塞林格、《守望者》以及霍尔顿三者间的关系。

    The thesis tries to investigate the associations of Zen Buddhism with Salinger , The Catcher in the Rye , and Holden respectively .

  25. 这一部分意图说明中国古代的禅宗思想对现代西方乃至整个现代人类社会所可能有的积极意义,以此表显中国古代思想史研究的现代性和世界性意义。

    It aims to display all the possible positive meanings for the modern west and the whole society from the Chinese ancient Zen .

  26. 禅宗思想的审美特质主要表现在两个方面:第一,禅宗将内在的和外在的束缚转化为精神上的自由。

    Aesthetic qualities of Zen thought are mainly reflected in two aspects : First , Zen changed internal and external constraints into the spiritual freedom .

  27. 禅宗思想和道家、儒家思想一样影响广泛,对中国和日本造园理念有重要的影响。

    Zen and the Taoism , the Confucianism have the wide and long influence on China , including the Chinese and Japanese garden design sense .

  28. 湖南禅宗思想中,蕴涵着关爱自然、敬畏生命、追求和谐的生态美学智慧。

    The Zen thought in Hunan consists of the ecological esthetic wisdom of concerning the nature , the awe to life and the pursuing to harmony .

  29. 禅宗思想传入日本后对日本文学,特别是日本俳句产生了深远的影响。日本俳句蕴涵着自然空灵、清幽闲寂、凝炼含蓄的禅宗思想。

    Zen thoughts into Japan profoundly influence Japanese literature and haiku which contains Zen ideas of nature and space , beauty and serenity , conciseness and implication .

  30. 然而长期以来,《禅林宝训》并未受到学术界应有的重视和研究,一般的禅宗思想史往往没有提到它,这与《禅林宝训》实际的历史地位和独具的思想价值极不相称。

    However , it is ignored for a long time by the academic circles , which is not worthy of its factual historical role and particular thinking significance .