
  1. 谭峭及其《化书》的和谐社会理想

    Tan Qiao and His Ideal for Harmonious Society in Hua Shu

  2. 谭峭是晚唐五代时期最重要的道士之一,也是著名的道教学者,著有《化书》六卷,在道教思想史上占有重要地位。

    Tan Qiao Tang and Five Dynasties period is the most important Taoist priest , is one of the famous Taoist scholar , author of " the book on the changes ", in an important position in the history of Taoism .

  3. 直到今天,对谭峭《化书》的研究者不乏其人,到目前为止,出现不少可喜成果:主要集中在哲学、社会政治、科学、美学、内丹术等方面。

    Even today , on Tan Qiao " the book on the changes " there is no lack of researchers , so far , there have been many encouraging results : mainly in philosophy , politics , science , aesthetics , elixir and so on .