
  1. 1905年,庆泰在他照相馆外墙上裱出一片空白作为背景,拍摄了由著名京剧表演艺术家谭鑫培表演的原于传统京剧的几个片段。

    In 1905 , Ren mounted a sheet against a wall outside his studio as a backdrop , and filmed several excerpts from traditional Beijing Operas acted by famous Beijing Opera artist Tan Xinpei .

  2. 此部影片改编自京剧,由著名京剧艺术家谭鑫培在北京丰泰照相馆拍摄完成的,标志着中国电影的诞生。

    It was adapted from a Beijing opera of the same title by a notable performer of Beijing Opera Tan Xinpei and shot at the Feng Tai Photo Studio in Beijing , The shooting of the film marked the official birth of Chinese film .