
mǎnɡ yuán
  • Mangyuan;wilderness overgrown with grass
莽原 [mǎng yuán]
  • [wilderness overgrown with grass] 草长得繁密茂盛的原野

  1. 科罗拉多崎岖不平的莽原区被命名的各个山峰,比如玛塞丽娜山秋天的时候就变成金色了。

    Colorado 's Raggeds Wilderness named for peaks like Marcellina Mountain turns to gold in autumn .

  2. 一个人要是懂得,到了莽原上时该怎么办,那是很有用处的。

    It was needful a man should know what he was doing when he went upon the heather .

  3. 这个莽原区占了怀特河和甘尼森国家森林将近6万5千英亩(约2万6千公顷)的土地。

    The wilderness covers nearly 65000 acres ( 26000 hectares ) of the White River and Gunnison National Forests .

  4. 不用说,法兰西是个美丽的地方,可是我怀念那莽原和麋鹿。

    France is a braw place , no doubt , but I weary for the heather and the deer .

  5. 我们身处漆黑的莽原,争斗、逃亡、惶恐、纷乱,黑夜里愚蠢的军队厮杀纠缠。

    And we are here as on a darkling plain swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight , where ignorant armies clash by night .

  6. 这片莽原区包括了几块世界上最大的颤杨林地。这些颤杨树增长非常迅速,一年内可以长高5英尺(约1.5米)。

    It includes some of the world 's largest stands of fast-growing aspen trees , which can gain 5 feet ( 1.5 meters ) in a year .

  7. 格兰特开始实行消耗战略,他不顾联邦军在莽原战役和斯波特瑟尔韦尼亚县府战役中的惨重伤亡,开始包围李将军在维吉尼亚州彼得斯堡的军队。

    He Began a strategy of attrition and , despite heavy Union casualties at the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania , Began to surround Lee 's troops in Petersburg , Va.

  8. 在经历了弗吉尼亚莽原战役、斯波特瑟尔韦尼亚战役和冷港战役等血腥之战后,谢尔曼挺进乔治亚州。在包围了弗吉尼亚的彼特斯堡,战争告一段落了。

    After bloody battles in Virginia 's wilderness , at Spotsylvania , and Cold Harbor , and Sherman 's march through Georgia , the war stalled in a siege of Petersburg , Virginia .