
  • 网络empress
  1. 每年农历九月九日重阳节时,帝后们登其上,眺望远处风光。

    Every year , on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month , the emperor and empress would climb the hill to view the distant scenery .

  2. 论西汉帝后陵墓文化

    On the Tomb Culture of Kings ' & Queens ' Tombs in the Western Han Dynasty

  3. 关于清代帝后朝服与朝服像的几点看法

    A Discussion of Portraits in Regalia of Qing Dynasty Emperors and Empresses and Several Ways of Viewing Court Dress

  4. 挽郎参与帝后丧礼,接受了严格的政治礼教熏陶,这改变了他们的心智结构,挽郎特殊身份深深影响着阶层个体的命运发展。

    The Wan Lang stratum took part in funeral service to obtain the political social morals which was deeply affected everyone 's individual destiny in this stratum .

  5. 同时还介绍了清朝皇陵的建制、规模以及帝后王妃的下葬经过。

    The book also gives an account of how the system and scale of imperial mausoleums were developed and how emperors , empresses , kings , queens and concubines were buried .

  6. 东宫门是颐和园的正门,正中设三门洞,中门专门为帝后出入,又称御路门。

    As the front entrance to the Summer Palace , it is composed of three gateways , and the middle one , also called Imperial Gateway , was reserved for emperor and empress .

  7. 宫殿分前后两部分,前为外朝,是皇帝举行大典,召见群臣,行使权力的场所。后为内廷,是皇帝日常处理政务和帝后、嫔妃、皇子、公主居住、游玩、奉神之处。

    It is composed of two parts , the outer palace where the emperors held grand ceremonies , discussed state affairs with high-ranking officials and exercised their powers , and the inner palace where emperors conducted routine government affairs and empresses , concubines , princes , princesses resided , amused them - selves and worshipped gods .

  8. 这种趋势在北魏孝文帝改革后,更加明显了。

    The trend was more obviously , after the Emperor Xiao Wen reformation .

  9. 公元144年,顺帝死后,朝廷的大权便落人梁太后和梁冀的手中。

    After the death of Emperor Shun in 144 , Empress Dowager Liang and Liang Ji became the prominent power holders of the Eastern Han court .

  10. 然通观其帝纪后论,则清晰地揭示了东汉皇朝从中兴走向衰亡的几个转折,堪称卓识。

    However , on the whole , the comments was with outstanding insight because it explicitly revealed the several turning-points from reviving to decline of East Han Dynasty .

  11. 康熙帝亲政后,将削藩列为当务之急,其平定“三藩”有利于全国的统一。

    When Kangxi came to theign , he took it as the task of top priority to cut down to state the Three ries . His suppression of the Three Feudatories was helpful to the integration of the nation .

  12. 北魏的灭亡:孝文帝死后,由于部分守旧贵族和鲜卑武人的反对,北魏统治者逐渐废弃了以前的民族和解政策,又恢复了鲜卑族的特权,于是新的矛盾产生了,北魏开始逐步走向衰落。

    The Downfall of the Northern Wei : After the death of Emperor Xiaowen 's , the rulers of the Northern Wei gradually abandoned the peaceful ethnic polices and restored the privileges of Xianbei nobles . Therefore the new contradictions were there and the administration of the Northern Wei was dwindled .

  13. 这一新俑组合经十六国及北魏早期的继承发扬逐渐成熟,于孝文帝迁洛改制后更得以确立。

    After Sixteen Kingdoms and Northern Wei Pingcheng period , this tomb figure style was established in XiaoWen reform .

  14. 中药热疗腹带康腹帝对腹部手术后胃肠道功能恢复的促进作用研究

    The effect of the Heat Traditional Chinese Medicine Abdominal Belt ( Comfort ) on promoting gastrointestinal function recovery after abdominal operations

  15. 二月河清帝系列小说出版后,受到读者的广泛赞誉和评论界的不断关注。

    The Serial Novels on the Emperors of Qing Dynasty by Er Yue-he win praises of readers and attentions of criticizing fields after they are published .