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  • 网络imperial mausoleums
  1. 关中东部帝王陵墓考证

    Emperors ' Mausoleums in the East of Central Shaanxi Plain

  2. 帝王陵墓建筑的文化解释

    The Cultural Interpretation of the Architecture of Imperial Tombs

  3. 特别是作为帝王陵墓的重要组成部分,帝陵石雕与时代的关系更为密切。

    Especially as an important constitutional part of Emperors ' mausoleum , stone carving of Emperors ' mausoleum has closer relationship with ages .

  4. 唐代帝王陵墓是宝贵的文化财富,具有很高的学术研究价值和旅游开发价值。

    The mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty are precious cultural heritage , having very high value both in academic research and tourism development .

  5. 地方文献开发工作粗论&以陕西帝王陵墓专题数据库建设为例

    Brief Discussion on Development of the Local Documents : Taking the Construction of the Special Topic Database of Shaanxi Imperial Mausoleum as an Example

  6. 其次,提出各评价指标的评分标准,并根据得出的陕西帝王陵墓旅游资源评价指标体系对陕西省内各个帝王陵墓旅游资源进行个体评分。

    Second , the standards of each evaluation indicator are fixed on and are used to grade the tourism resources in all Shaanxi imperial mausoleums according to the model .

  7. 唐代共有20座帝王陵墓,其中18座分布在关中北部坦荡如砥的平原和挺拔峻秀的崇山之间。

    There are altogether 20 mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty , among which 18 are located in flat plain or between loft beautiful hills in northern part of central Shaanxi plain .

  8. 中国古代帝王陵墓的雕塑艺术可以分为两条非常清晰的脉络或者说是文化体系:地上石刻造型艺术和地下冥器造型艺术。

    Ancient imperial tombs of the sculpture can be divided into two very clear context or a cultural system : the ground stone plastic arts and plastic arts underground burial objects .

  9. 《陕西帝王陵墓志》的编纂体例应贯彻以下几大原则:1,以时间为顺序,这是本次志书编纂最主要的原则;2,结构完整。

    The compilation style of " Shaanxi imperial mausoleum epitaph " should implement the following major principles . First , in order of time , this is a compilation of the annals of the key principles .

  10. 本篇论文主要以陕西唐代帝王陵墓建筑制度为主要研究对象,并在此基础上,探讨关于昭陵北司马门的复原。

    This thesis mainly with the Tang Dynasty kings Emperor 's mausoleum building system locate Shan'xi province for main research object , and on this foundation , inquiry into the concerning the north gate of Zhaoling to restore to original .

  11. 本文认为,帝王陵墓建筑记录了中国传统的生死观、等级观和其他文化象征义,是传统文化的重要组成部分。

    In this article , the author holds the view that the architecture of imperial tombs are the record of the traditional Chinese view toward life , death , class and so on , which plays an important part in traditional culture .

  12. 第二章通过选址、围沟、封土、祭祀性建筑、墓葬结构、陪葬系统和管理人员等方面的介绍秦始皇帝陵园对秦公帝王陵墓的继承和发展。

    In chapter two , according to the location , ditch as boundary , heap earth over mound , sacrifice construction , tomb conformation , tragedian and the introduction by managers , the inheritance and development of Qin shihuang Mausoleum park from Qin emperor mausoleums .