
  1. 这块石板就可以引帝皇星出现。

    This flagstone will bring out the star of the king .

  2. 无论它是什么,那都是帝皇所憎恨的。

    Whatever it is , it 's an abomination to the emperor .

  3. 可是他们未必知道帝皇星在哪里。

    However , they might know where is the star of king .

  4. 你要我们跟那帝皇星去打仗?

    You want us go war with the star of the king ?

  5. 富有帝皇气派的顶级空调器&钻石。

    " Diamond ", a top-grade air conditioner with an imperial manner .

  6. 红木家具,至尊典雅,帝皇气派。

    Padauk furniture , respectaBle and elegant , with an imperial air .

  7. 以帝皇的名义拿下它!

    Claim it in the name of the emperor !

  8. 帝皇之敌必将毁灭!

    The enemies of the emperor shall be destroyed !

  9. 如果我能帮助就没有帝皇的仆人会倒下。

    No servant of the emperor shall fall if I can help it .

  10. 帝皇之手指引一切。

    The hand of the emperor guides all .

  11. 我已准备好献身于帝皇!

    I am ready to die for Him !

  12. 仅有帝皇是我们唯一的庇护与保护者。

    There is only the Emperor , and he is our shield and protector .

  13. 为你的帝皇牺牲好过为你自己活著。

    It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself .

  14. 令帝皇的旨意成为你的火炬,破除眼前的阴影。

    Carry the Emperor 's will as your torch , with it destroy the shadows .

  15. 现在埃及历代帝皇都在陵墓中向我呼喊。

    Now , all the kings of Egypt cry out to me from their tombs .

  16. 火蜥蜴军团的组成是在凡尔康早年向帝皇宣誓效忠时沿袭下来的。

    The Salamanders Chapter organisation was laid down when Vulkan swore allegiance to the Emperor .

  17. 帝皇现正指引着你。

    The emperor guides you now .

  18. 注意这些武器对敌人的效果,看看帝皇是如何以各种方式向敌人倾泻他的盛怒。

    Note their effect , and see that the Emperor speaks his vengeance with many voices .

  19. 三,圣人崇拜不可避免地使批判儒学转化为帝皇儒学,从而使儒学成为帝皇专制之护符。

    Thirdly , worship changes criticism to Confucianism into criticism to emperor Confucianism inevitably , Confucianism becomes the protector of emperor domination .

  20. 走进酒店大堂,便仿佛穿越时空来到古代的某个宫殿,帝皇尊贵气息瞬间将人淹没。

    Stepping into the hotel lobby , it 's like travelling to an ancient palace and submerging in the honorable flavour of the emperor .

  21. 政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。

    A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor 's Law , and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement , sentence and punishment .

  22. 智慧化的管理,个性化的服务,让下榻酒店的海内外宾客尽显帝皇尊崇、感受温馨关怀。

    Management with intelligence and service with personality would make any guest at Nanan Hotel , national or international , perceive homage like an emperor , and feel warmly service .

  23. 作为东南名刹,在明清两代,上至帝皇,下至杭州地方官员,都与灵隐寺发生过一定的关系。

    During Ming and Qing dynasties , Lingyin Temple , as a famous monastery in the southeast of China , had some connections with the emperors as well as the magistrates .

  24. 对于任何疏于防范的士兵,政委都会通过自己的方式来向你宣泄帝皇的怒火。液控单向阀控制油的泄漏方式有内泄式和外泄式二种。

    Any man found lacking will feel the wrath of the Emperor , through the actions of His most just commissars . Fluid leakage control one-way valves control the manner of oil and oil-leaking Type II species .

  25. 尽管他们也曾在帝皇的名义下进行了坚强而不屈的圣战,不过暗夜领主依旧是第一批堕落入黑暗的战团之一,并且将痛苦和恐惧如同播种般撒向无数个帝国的世界和星球。

    Although they once fought with grim efficiency in the name of the Emperor , the Night Lords were among the first to turn to the darkness , sowing misery and fear like a plague across unnumbered worlds .