
dà huǒ xīng
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大火星[dà huǒ xīng]
  1. 一大串火星四处飞溅。

    Showers of sparks flew in all directions .

  2. 火星威龙“这周上映是”博士杀人狂大闹火星的前传。

    Martian Body Count " opened this week ! It 's the prequel to " Doctor Decimator Atomizes Mars .

  3. 若“天问一号”成功,将成为首个一次性完成“绕、落、巡”三大任务的火星探测器。

    If Tianwen 1 succeeds , it will become the first Mars expedition accomplishing all three goals with one probe , the company said .

  4. 相似的土壤分布得如此广泛,表明一个酸性海洋曾覆盖了大范围的火星表面,或许曾存在具有同样化学特性的众多湖泊。

    Such a broad dispersal of similar soils argues for an acidic sea stretching across large swaths of Mars , or perhaps lakes with the same inherent chemistry .

  5. 仅仅在去年一年当中,NASA就实现了几大壮举:在火星上发现了液态水、在木星其中一颗卫星上发现了冰的迹象、还给距地球30亿英里(约合48亿公里)之遥的冥王星拍摄了高分辨率照片。

    Last year alone , NASA discovered flowing water on Mars and evidence of ice on one of Jupiter 's moons , and we mapped Pluto -- more than 3 billion miles away -- in high-resolution .