
  1. 从《超级女声》到《大长今》:平民文化的胜利

    From Super Girls to Dea Jang Geum : a Victory of Civilian Culture

  2. 认为保健灸是强身健体、防病延衰、自我保健的有效方法之一。《大长今》与韩国人的养生之道

    It is an effective auto-health method for strengthening body , preserving health , preventing disease and postponing senile . Health preserving in Korea

  3. 韩国电视连续剧《大长今》的配乐融合了朝鲜民族传统音乐、新时代音乐、西方电影音乐、流行音乐等多种音乐风格,呈现出多元化的倾向。

    The music of Jewel in the Palace synchronized Korean traditional music , new age music , western incidental music and pop music .

  4. 鼠标点击服饰或化妆品移动到大长今身上,再点击一下即可为她打扮。

    Click on the mouse costumes or cosmetics moved to the length of this great body , and then click can be dressed up for her .

  5. 同时,《大长今》等韩国影视作品也向中国人介绍了韩国文化,促进了两国人民之间的了解。

    Meanwhile , Korean movies like " Dae Jang Geum " also introduced Korean culture to Chinese people , and promoted the understanding between two countries .

  6. 特别是2005年,《超级女声》、《大长今》的巨大成功又再次证明了湖南电视不俗的实力。

    Especially in 2005 , the great success of ' Super Girl ' ' Chang Jin ' has proved the great power of The Hunan Television Army .

  7. 酒店大堂的“阳光酒廊”,更是商谈小聚,独酌小憩之佳选;“绿谷咖啡厅”环境优美,恬静舒适;“大长今”餐厅,提供正宗韩国料理;

    Green Valley Cafe offers more than 200 Chinese and Western dishes in a comfortable and elegant setting . " Dae Jang Geum " Korean Restaurant provides authentic Korean cuisine ;

  8. 游戏介绍:相信看过大长今的朋友一定记得里面那个美丽善良智慧过人的皇后娘娘吧?

    The game introduce : the friend who believed to see greatly long now certainly remembers an inside that beautiful and kind intelligence to lead the person 's empress an empress ?

  9. 在《大长今》中,那一袭袭线条简洁,色彩鲜明的裙装,完美的柔和了朴素与柔美,也充分的衬托了女主角淡定、坚韧的性格。

    In the teleplay series Da Changjin , the concise yet brilliant dresses have perfectly introjected simplicity and morbidezza , and also have set off the easy yet tenacious character of the heroine .

  10. 从《超级女声》到《大长今》,湖南卫视主导了大半个中国的电视市场。

    Hunan TV has been dominating most of the television market of China from Super Girls to Dea Jang Geum , of which one is an amusement program while the other is a Korean TV series .

  11. 自2003年《大长今》创下收视狂潮后,韩剧在其他亚洲国家失去了很大市场,这部分要归因于英美国家的好作品。

    Shortly after the enormous craze generated by Great Jang-Geum in 2003 , South Korean dramas lost much of their popularity in other Asian countries thanks partly to better produced works from the United States and the United Kingdom .

  12. 2005年韩剧《大长今》在中国热播,因其文化同质性产生的亲和力、文化异质性带来的新奇感、内容的丰富性与形式的雅俗共赏,使其获得了极佳的传播效果。

    The Korea television drama Da Chang Jin was spread like wildfire in China in 2005.The effect is very good because of its appetency from similar culture , the newness from different culture , abundant of content and its form suiting both refined and popular tastes .

  13. 缤纷节目包括戏偶剧、皮影戏、魔术、杂技、步操管乐巡游、亲子玩偶工作坊及充气弹弹跳,让一家大细在今个夏日畅玩一番!

    Amaze your children with puppets show , magic show , parade , puppet-making workshops and Playzones in the Parent-child Puppet Party !

  14. 林纾的教育思想、教学实践,对当时的京师大学堂(今北京大学)乃至全国的教育教学,都有积极而深刻的影响;即使对今天的教育教学改革,也将有很大的补益作用。

    Lin Shu 's educational thought and teaching practice made a positively profound impact on Peking Imperial University ( present Beijing University ) as well as national education and teaching cause and are even conducive to the current education and teaching reform .

  15. 故此,我们大可以毋须理会今时今日那些宗教专家和假教师,而只要相信神的话。

    We can safely ignore the gurus and false teachers of our day and believe God 's Word .