
  • 网络Roman-fleuve;roman fleurre
  1. 台湾大河小说综论

    A Survey of the " Mighty River Novel " in Taiwan

  2. 现实主义闪耀在乡土话语里的光色&台湾大河小说风格论

    The Brilliance of Realism in Native Literature : Writing Style of Taiwan Roman-fleuve

  3. 台湾“大河小说”的史志意蕴

    On the Historical implications of Taiwan Ocean Fiction

  4. 结语,阐释李劼人“大河小说”的民间历史性在中国现代文学史上的地位与影响。

    Conclusion explains the status and influence of the'folk history'of Li Jieren 's'great river novel'in contemporary Chinese literature history .

  5. 第二部分,历史的具体书写:大河小说的民间世界。

    The second part , the folk world of ' great river novel ' is to look for concrete history .

  6. 这三个三部曲在选材、内容、创作方法等方面都有共同特质,共享大河小说之称。

    These three trilogies are similar in selecting materials , contents and creating methods , thus they share the title of " mighty river novel " .

  7. 第一部分:梳理、分析大河小说中沉浮不定的男性形象,以求全面认识当时社会历史面貌,进而揭示社会历史发展动向及规律。

    The first part analyses the men figures in Li Jie-ren 's novels in order to understand the appearance and the development of society in those days more comprehensively .

  8. 论文针对新版大河小说中情欲书写,革命叙事和风土营造三大核心内容,以症候式分析方法逐章作出对应研究。

    The writer , in response to the passion description , revolutionary narration and customs formation , three cores in The Great River Novel , applies symptomatic analysis here to respective chapters .

  9. 台湾“大河小说”如流淌的大河,将台湾人民半个世纪的生活和斗争涵盖其中,表现爱祖国、爱人民的母题。

    Taiwan " Mighty River Novels ", like a flowing great river , cover the life and struggle of the Taiwan people for half a century , displaying the love of the motherland and the people .