
  1. 科学与艺术思维方式比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Thinking Pattern Between Science and Art

  2. 论艺术思维方式为主君尽忠效命的武士道思想;

    On Artistic Way of Thinking the loyal way of master of Bushido ;

  3. 试论吉祥图案的儒学艺术思维方式

    On Confucianist Art Thoughts for Luck Patterns

  4. 论艺术思维方式

    On Artistic Way of Thinking

  5. 艺术思维方式问题,说穿了其实就是有别于其他非艺术思维的独特性问题。艺术思维方式说穿了就是与非艺术思维的区别问题。

    It is , in essence , different from the non-artistic way of thinking in its uniqueness .

  6. 而在整个过程中,五四文学作家紧紧抓住了艺术思维方式这一中心命题。

    Throughout this process , writers of May Fourth Literature firmly grasped the central proposition of modes of artistic thought .

  7. 禅对文人画家的审美情趣,艺术思维方式以及对画中朦胧含蓄之意境的传达等都产生了深刻影响,本文便是围绕着这几方面展开论述的。

    Zen Buddhism has brought deep impact to scholar artists on their aesthetic temperament , thinking mode and the transmission of the implicitness .

  8. 三是有利于批判地借鉴和吸收西方现代艺术思维方式,更好的继承和改革中国传统绘画。

    Third , the thinking way of absorption western modern art helping to criticize , Inherit and develop China 's tradition to paint better .

  9. 艺术思维方式,就是体现一定艺术思想内容和与之相符合的思考方法、适用于艺术领域的思维模式。

    The artistic way of thinking is a kind of thinking in the art field reflecting an artistic thought and its corresponding thinking pattern .

  10. 艺术思维方式决定着诗人用怎样的眼光看待外部世界,因此在很大程度上也决定着诗美的标准。

    The mode of artistic thinking decides how a poet looks the world around him , so this decides the standard of poem beauty .

  11. 灵感思维作为艺术思维方式的最高境界是翻译创造和译者主体性的集中表征。

    As the top state of artistic mode of thinking , inspiration is an intensive representation of the translation creation and the subjectivity of the translator .

  12. 在巴赫金的视界中,对话不仅是一种艺术思维方式,更是一种哲学理念乃至一种人文精神。

    Dialogue is not merely mean a kind of artistic mode of thinking , also a kind of philosophy idea even more a kind of humane spirit .

  13. 科学与艺术的思维方式之间存在着区别,并分别以逻辑思维和形象思维为主要形式。

    There are differences between the thinking modes of science and art .

  14. 教师高超的语言表达艺术、思维方式和特有的教学方法是其它手段不可替代的。

    Nothing can take the place of the wonderful language , the attractive thinking and unique teaching method .

  15. 中国艺术美学思维方式的形成和发展受到了佛教禅宗非逻辑思维深刻的影响。

    This text thinks the formation of the method of Chinese art esthetics thought with development profound suffered the buddhism to teach the Chan not the influence of the logic thought .

  16. 传统文化,是指历史上存在过和发生过的,至今仍被沿用或有所变异的思想文化、制度规范、风俗习惯、宗教艺术乃至思维方式、行为方式等的总和。

    The identification of traditional culture is the sum of civilization , specification , local custom , religion and arts , even the way of thought and behaviour , which are stand in the history and continuous to be used now or slightly changed for lasting until today .

  17. 其次,从认识问题的思维方式入手,谈艺术创作的思维方式。

    Second , the awareness of the problem from the start thinking , talking about art way of thinking .

  18. 三是从扬州剪纸艺术形式及思维方式入手,探究其在现代包装设计中的使用价值和审美情趣。

    From Yangzhou paper-cut art forms and ways of thinking to start exploring the use of modern packaging design value and aesthetic appeal .

  19. 歌唱艺术是人类思维方式中感性与理性相互碰撞后矛盾的产物。

    The art of singing is a production of a thinking manner of human beings , which is benefited from the sensibility and rationality .

  20. 作为艺术活动基本思维方式的想象,构筑了分别指向过去和未来的两种乌托邦。

    As the basic logic of artistic activities , imagination constructs two kinds of Utopias , one oriented towards the past and the other towards the future .

  21. 试论艺术设计的创造性思维方式

    On the Creative Way of Thinking of Art Design

  22. 优秀家庭,优秀学校,好的艺术,正确的思维方式.

    Right family , right school , right art , right way of thinking .

  23. 但若作历史的综合的考察、那么,它又是一个民族的音乐思维乃至文学艺术思维逻辑、思维方式的反映。

    But historical studies have shown that it reflects the national musical sense and the logic of Chinese ways of literary and artistic thought .

  24. 然而可悲.的是,如今中国人的艺术、衣食住行甚至思维方式正渐渐地沦为西方文明的附庸。

    But right now , the Chinese art , eating , moving and even the thought is becoming the appendant of the west civilization .

  25. 对于摄影艺术的发展起到一点促进作用,对摄影艺术思维模式的思考方式起到一定的启示作用。

    It could have play a little role in promoting the development of photography Play a role in enlightening for Photography art design way of thinking .