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  • stage name
艺名 [yì míng]
  • [stage name ] 艺人(男演员或女演员)演出时用的别名

艺名[yì míng]
  1. 帕特里夏以贝弗利·布鲁克斯的艺名在几部英国电影中饰演过小角色。

    Under the stage name of Beverly Brooks , Patricia had small parts in several British films .

  2. 为了迎合腐女文化,电影中还新添了一个角色——何律师的助理William,由韩国组合EXO前成员黄子韬(艺名:Tao)扮演。

    Then , to cater to fujoshi culture , the movie introduces a new character , an assistant played by Huang Zitao ( whose stage name is Tao ) , former member of South Korean band EXO .

  3. 那位演员的艺名更为人们所知。

    The actor is better known by his professional name .

  4. 艺名,威尔士的说唱歌手。来吧,Worm,给这个土鳖秀一段。

    stage names of rappers here in Wales.Come on , Worm , show this shank how its done .

  5. Phoebe,你认为我该取什么艺名?

    Phoebe . What do you think a good stage name for me would be ?

  6. 她还隐瞒了自己的真实身份数个月之久,在这段时间里大家只知道她的艺名——Lorde。

    Identified only as her stage name , Lorde , the artist kept her true identity a mystery for months .

  7. 霍华德担心一个富有的美国家庭被诱人的索菲欺骗了,而斯坦利擅长揭穿假灵媒术。斯坦利的艺名叫魏连苏(WeiLingSoo)。

    Howard worries that a rich American family is being fleeced by the alluring Sophie , and Stanley , who performs under the stage name of Wei Ling Soo , makes a specialty of unmasking fake psychics .

  8. 正是在那个位于伦敦西部的表演会场,他下定决心,以Metis的艺名开始了一段隐秘的嘻哈艺人生涯。

    It was there in that small west London venue that he decided to pursue a secret life as a hip-hop artist called Metis .

  9. Iggy的母亲告诉记者,Azalea是受她的狗狗的名字和她所住的街道名的启发起的艺名,她的志向是成为一名女埃米纳姆。

    Her mother Tanya told The Northern Star that Azalea - who chose her stage name after her dog and the street she lived on - that she always had ambitions of being the ' female Eminem ' .

  10. 说唱歌手、企业家柯蒂斯·杰克逊三世(CurtisJacksonIII,他的艺名50美分[50Cent]更为人所知)在考虑扩大投资(他已经投资了伏特加和能量饮料,并拥有Vitaminwater的股权)时,把目光投向了优质内裤。

    When the rapper and entrepreneur Curtis Jackson III , perhaps better known as 50 Cent , was casting about for ways to augment a portfolio that included investments in vodka , energy drinks and an equity stake in Vitaminwater , he set his sights on premium underwear .

  11. 杰米·福克斯(JamieFoxx,他的真名是埃里克·毕晓普[EricBishop])还是个不知名的喜剧演员时,每次出现在即兴表演活动中时都用杰米这个艺名,因为他觉得俱乐部一般是先叫女人上台表演。

    When he was still an unknown comedian , Jamie Foxx ( whose real name is Eric Bishop ) adopted the stage name Jamie whenever he appeared at open-mike events , based on his belief that clubs tend to call women onstage first .

  12. 脱衣舞舞女与风月高手玛嘉蕾莎•吉尔特伊达•泽利麦克劳德(MargarethaGeertruida“Margreet”ZelleMacLeod)被当局逮捕前一直居住于此,玛塔•哈丽(MataHari)的艺名更为人熟知,她被控犯有间谍罪,并于1917年被法国行刑队枪决。

    This is where exotic dancer and temptress Margaretha Geertruida " Margreet " Zelle MacLeod , better known as Mata Hari , stayed before she was arrested , charged with espionage and shot by a French firing squad in 1917 .

  13. 他是街头艺术家艺名是“电子图档”

    He 's a street artist goes by " Jpeg . "

  14. 他的艺名迪帕克来自于泰卢固语电影。

    He used screen name Deepak for the Telugu movies .

  15. 戴维鲍伊是歌手戴维琼斯的艺名。

    David Bowie is the stage name of the singer David jones .

  16. 他有意起了一个更中性的艺名,来增加自己的事业机会。

    He consciously fabricated a more androgynous name to amplify his career opportunities .

  17. 我已经想好我的艺名了,“笑星达叔”。

    I already got my stage name . " Darius the hilarious . "

  18. 俾路支女士也是,她的艺名显然来源于此。

    Ms. Baloch was , too , and that apparently inspired her stage name .

  19. 但是他的艺名叫汤姆?克鲁斯。

    But his stage name is Tom cruise .

  20. 别乱想,这是药名,不是我在舞厅的“艺名”

    and no , that 's not my stage name down at the clubs .

  21. 可能是用的你的艺名排的。

    Should 've used your stage name .

  22. 你艺名都用哪个姓?

    What name do you act under ?

  23. 更像是个艺名。

    It was more likea stage name .

  24. 我的艺名叫“劫佩托”。

    My stage name is J. Petto .

  25. 他的艺名是利路修。

    His stage name is Lelush .

  26. 你的艺名是如何想到的?是你自己想到的还是其他人帮你想的?

    How was your model name created ? Did you create it or did someone else ?

  27. 这些名字其实不是他们的本名,而是他们为了足球取的“艺名”。

    These monikers are not always formal names but instead are often nicknames adopted for soccer .

  28. 她的艺名G.E.M.意为“让大家都行动起来”,而她自己也致力于此。

    As her stage name G.E.M. suggests , she is dedicated to " Getting Everybody Moving . "

  29. 在学习了两年音乐之后,她发行了她的处女作王靖雯,这也是她的艺名。

    After two years studying music , she released her debut album Shirley Wong , her stage name .

  30. 她认为琼史密斯这个名字过于乏味,于是决定采用艺名玛丽亚维塔雷。

    She thought Joan Smith was too boring , so she decided to use the stage name Maria vitalez .