
  • 网络artistic director;art director;chief art officer;CAO
  1. 她刚刚被任命为昆士兰剧团的艺术总监。

    She has just been appointed artistic director of Queensland Theatre Company .

  2. “大部分参与者只是路过这里,或因为其他原因来到这座岛上,或者只是恰好在这儿”,“尽情书写”的艺术总监亚历山德拉·査辛告诉史密森协会网站。

    " Most of the participants are people who are just walking by or are on the island for other reasons , or they just kind of happen to be there , " Alexandra Chasin , artistic director of Writing On It All , tells Smithsonian.com .

  3. 纽约中国中心(ChinaCenter)的艺术总监翁菱1986年在重庆与张晓刚会面。

    Weng Ling , artistic director of New York 's China Center , met him in Chongqing in 1986 .

  4. 这位著名的时尚界老板也是《Vogue》出版商康泰纳仕的艺术总监。

    The famous fashion boss is also the artistic director of Vogue 's publisher Conde Nast .

  5. 我们雇了个意大利人,Salvatore,我的艺术总监。

    We 've got an Italian . Salvatore , my art director .

  6. 但温估计,自从5年前乔纳森米尔斯(JonathanMills)就任艺术总监以来,爱丁堡国际艺术节从外国政府和机构得到的赞助增长了7倍。

    But he estimated that the festival had increased sponsorship from foreign governments and agencies sevenfold since the arrival of Jonathan Mills as director five years ago .

  7. 不过纽约的彩妆艺术家,同时兼任英国化妆品公司MyFace艺术总监的Kabuki却认为红唇即将流行。

    Yet the New York make-up artist Kabuki , who is also artistic director of the British cosmetics company My Face , thinks the red lip will catch on .

  8. 她曾担任微软工作室的艺术总监,与游戏开发商一起合作开发了《极限竞速》(ForzaMotorsport)、《世界街头赛车》(ProjectGothamRacing)、《战争机器》(GearsofWar)和《质量效应》(MassEffect)等热门游戏。

    She previously served as director of art at Microsoft Studios , working with game developers on franchises like Forza Motorsport , Project Gotham Racing , Gears of War , and Mass Effect .

  9. 《长城》将由乐视影业和传奇东方联合制作。前一家公司由张艺谋担任艺术总监,后一家公司总部设在香港,是美国传奇影业(LegendaryPictures)旗下的制作公司。

    The film will be produced by Le Vision Pictures , where Mr. Zhang is artistic director , and Legendary East , a Hong Kong-based production outfit set up by the American company Legendary Pictures .

  10. 《初级实用育儿》(JuniorandPracticalParenting)杂志的艺术总监李·索锡(LeeSouthey)表示:越来越多的产品和时尚领域不断增加着对婴儿图片和视频的需求。

    Lee Southey , art director for Junior and Practical Parenting magazines , says : There is an increased demand for more images of babies , more shoots , for more and more products and fashion ranges .

  11. 《初级实用育儿》(JuniorandPracticalParenting)杂志的艺术总监李·索锡(LeeSouthey)表示:“越来越多的产品和时尚领域不断增加着对婴儿图片和视频的需求。”

    Lee Southey , art director for Junior and Practical Parenting magazines , says : " There is an increased demand for more images of babies , more shoots , for more and more products and fashion ranges . "

  12. 68岁的温图尔自2013年起就在《Vogue》杂志(康泰纳仕集团出版发行的一本期刊)和康泰纳仕集团担任艺术总监,如今她将在该杂志标志性的9月刊发行后离开这家公司。

    Wintour , 68 , will depart Vogue and Cond é Nast - where she has served as artistic director since 2013 , ending her time at the company with the publication 's iconic September issue .

  13. 在路易威登(LouisVuitton)男装艺术总监金姆琼斯(KimJones)推出的2017秋冬季时装中,带有醒目标识的系列(与主打滑板的美国街头服饰品牌Supreme合作推出)就是借鉴了DapperDan的设计。

    Kim Jones , the artistic director of Louis Vuitton menswear , credited Dapper Dan as a reference in his AW17 notes to introduce a logo-heavy collection made in collaboration with skate brand Supreme ( pictured below ) .

  14. 而后发生的“高跟鞋门”,更有…..面对外界对于影展涉嫌性别歧视的负面消息,艺术总监蒂埃里•弗雷莫(ThierryFrémaux)一点儿反应都没。

    And then came ' Heelgate ' - of which , more later ... Faced with suggestions that the festival is sexist , artistic director Thierry Fr é maux was having none of it .

  15. 埃斯特班·蒙托亚是耐克NBA服装的艺术总监,在这之前,他在球鞋设计上就曾与科比合作过。他知道科比会想要参与湖人第一代“湖人绝杀”球衣设计的每一个步骤。

    Esleban Montoya , Nike 's art director for NBA uniforms , had worked with Bryant before on shoe designs and knew Bryant would want to be involved with every step in the creation of the first " Lakers Lore " jersey .

  16. 目前她作为VJ,艺术总监和管理者在北京进行着一系列项目。

    Currently she is working in Beijing on a range of projects as VJ , Motion Director and Curator .

  17. 该文化节的艺术总监奈杰尔·雷登(NigelRedden)想吸引那些通常不会被这个比较高雅的文化节吸引的纽约人。

    So , props to the festival artistic director , Nigel Redden , for extending an invitation to New Yorkers who might not normally find themselves engaged by this generally high-minded cultural smorgasbord .

  18. 佐治亚州还向影视及数字娱乐公司提供税收优惠政策,对方把诸如尼尔霍尔曼(nealholman)这样的艺术总监吸引至亚特兰大居住。

    The state has offered tax incentives to film , television and digital entertainment companies , which has brought individuals such as Neal Holman , an art director , to the city .

  19. 现年54岁、两度获得奥斯卡奖的史派西准备在明年辞去赫赫有名的伦敦老维克剧院(OldVicTheater)的艺术总监的职务,把更多精力放在电影和电视项目,以及支持全世界胸怀抱负演员的以他名字命名的基金会上面。

    The two-time Academy Award winner , 54 , is getting ready to leave his post as the artistic director of London 's storied Old Vic Theater next year , to focus more on film and television projects , as well as his eponymous foundation , which supports aspiring actors around the world .

  20. 卡内基音乐厅执行与艺术总监克里夫•基林森(CliveGillinson)说,我们都感到,这个主题在目前的状态下并不适宜讨论。

    " All of us felt , as a topic , that wasn 't what you 'd want to be talking about right now ," executive and artistic director Clive Gillinson said .

  21. 蓝格咖啡馆坐落在第五大道727号四楼,新装修,奢侈品和配饰比比皆是,映入眼帘的第一件设计来自瑞德·克拉考夫(ReedKrakoff)。克拉考夫于一月上任蒂凡尼首席艺术总监。

    The Blue Box Caf é is tucked into the fourth floor at 727 Fifth Avenue , part of a wholly renovated space that showcases a luxury home and accessories collection , the first major project from Reed Krakoff , who became the company 's chief artistic officer in January .

  22. 这件在婚礼前的几周里由法国纪梵希(Givenchy)时装设计室的首位女性艺术总监克莱尔·维特·凯勒(ClareWaightKeller)设计的礼服,一直是人们激烈讨论的话题。

    The dress , which had been the subject of agitated speculation for weeks leading up to the wedding , was designed by Clare Waight Keller , the first female artistic director at the French fashion house Givenchy .

  23. 上个月戛纳电影节艺术总监蒂埃里·弗雷莫(ThierryFremaux)被问及此事,他指出法国法律规定电影导演有电影的最终剪辑权。

    Asked about the dispute last month , Thierry Fremaux , the festival 's director , alluded to French law which stipulates that a film 's director decides on the final cut .

  24. 例如,去年4月,中国出生的巴黎女装设计师殷亦晴获得了法国著名的晶球奖(GlobesdeCristal)年度最佳时装设计师奖,之后被任命为法国时装公司莱昂纳尔(Léonard)的艺术总监。

    Last year , for example , Yiqing Yin , the Chinese-born , Paris-based couturier who won the fashion designer of the year award at France 's prestigious Globes de Cristal in April , was named artistic director of the French fashion house L é onard .

  25. Eres艺术总监瓦莱丽・德拉福斯(ValerieDelafosse)说:“有一种运动精神回归的趋势。在香奈儿(Chanel)时装秀上,你会看到模特穿着花呢网球鞋和动感十足的工字背心。我们是在把运动和优雅进行混搭。”

    There is a return to the sportif spirit , ' said Eres artistic director Val é rie Delafosse . ' If you look at the Chanel runway show , [ there are ] models with the tennis shoes in tweed , a sporty racerback . We are mixing sporty with refined . '

  26. 拉夫·西蒙斯(RafSimons)2012年开始担任迪奥高级定制的艺术总监。他说自己喜欢这份工作的其中一个原因是“它是个家族公司”——这是阿尔诺的品牌首次被用如此温馨的词汇来描述。

    Raf Simons , a designer who joined Christian Dior Couture , which is also controlled by Mr. Arnault , as artistic director in 2012 , said he was attracted to the job in part because " it 's a family company " - one of the first times Mr. Arnault 's brands have been described in such cozy terms .

  27. 保罗•布力克(德国),《图片报》艺术总监。

    Paul Blickle ( Germany ), art director , In Graphics .

  28. 该方案已经肩负着新的艺术总监笔迹。

    The program already bears the handwriting of the new artistic directors .

  29. 马丁•胡斯曼,《德摩根报》艺术总监,比利时。

    Martin Huisman , Art-Director ," De Morgen ", Belgium .

  30. 的艺术总监的生产和推广的目的。

    To the Art Director of production and promotional purposes .