
  • 网络dance image
  1. 舞蹈形象鲜明、动作流畅、结构凝炼,于简洁中见功力。

    The dance had distinct characters , smooth movements and concise structure .

  2. 敦煌壁画中的舞蹈形象

    Dancing figures in Dunhuang frescos

  3. 龙门石窟中的舞蹈形象

    Dancing figures in Longmen caves

  4. 敦煌壁画乐舞中舞蹈形象特点主要体现为杂树生花的多元化、妩媚身姿&多曲线、造型服饰大胆夸张。

    Dunhuang frescoes in dance music and dance mainly features the image of the " flower Zashu " diversified , charming posture-multi-curve , bold exaggerated style clothing .

  5. 佛教文化对我国乐舞发展影响尤为深远的一项贡献,是所到之处留下了大量石窟舞蹈形象。

    The contribution of Buddhist culture that had the most profound influence on Chinese dance development was the numerous dancing figures in grottoes in regions reached by Buddhism .

  6. 舞蹈艺术形象应与舞蹈音乐形象相统一

    The Integration of the Art-images and the Music-images in Dancing

  7. 舞蹈艺术形象虽来源于现实生活,却包含着舞蹈家的主观情感;

    Artistic images , though coming from life , contains the dancer 's subjective feelings .

  8. 舞蹈艺术形象审美欣赏简论

    Aesthetic Appreciation of Artistic Images in Dancing

  9. 如果不做艺人会选择什么职业?舞蹈员或者形象指导。

    If you weren 't an artist , what would you be ? Dancer or stylist .

  10. 布鲁姆认为影响的焦虑是他对文学批评最重要的贡献,并用舞蹈这一形象的比喻来解释了他那著名的却常常令人困惑的关于误读的六个定量。

    Bloom regards his theory of The Anxiety of Influence as his most important contribution to literary criticism , and uses dancing to explain his famous yet baffling six rations of misprision .

  11. 因此,草原文化型民间舞蹈中马的形象也最常见。

    Consequently , horse images are found in folk dances on the pasture land .

  12. 谈谈舞蹈音乐创作中形象感知的几点体会

    Experiences of Image Perception in Dance Music Creation

  13. 关于高职舞蹈教学的思考&谈舞蹈语言、舞蹈形象及舞蹈意境

    The Thought on Dance Teaching in High Vocational College

  14. 舞蹈欣赏是观众通过舞蹈作品中的舞蹈形象,具体地认识它所反映的社会生活、人物的思想感情以及舞蹈作者对这种生活现象的审美评价。

    The dancing appreciation is the society life and sensation of the personality which audience understand concretely , and the dancing appreciation is also author 's evaluation of the taste toward this life phenomena through the dancing image in the production .

  15. 我国古代美学论著《乐记》中说:乐为舞之心,舞为乐之容,深刻地阐述了音乐与舞蹈之间密不可分的关系&即音乐是舞蹈的灵魂,舞蹈是音乐的形象。

    In the Yue Ji which is one of the ancient aesthetic works , says that Music is the soul of the dance , dancing is the image of the music , which deeply set forth the closely relationship between music and dancing .

  16. 在漫长的历史岁月中,有许多优秀的舞蹈作品转瞬即逝,通过舞蹈记录法能将舞蹈作品定格记录下来,成为永恒的舞蹈形象。

    In the long years of history , many excellent dance work arrived in a flash .