
yì shù xiào ɡuǒ
  • artistic effects
  1. 论《玻璃动物园》中舞台灯光的艺术效果

    On the Artistic Effects of Stage Lights in The Glass Menagerie

  2. 论《红字》中的空间叙事结构及艺术效果

    Space Narrative Structure and Its Artistic Effects On The Scarlet Letter

  3. 由于她将3D场景效果压缩成了2D平面效果,这一艺术效果形成了一种错觉。

    The effect creates an optical illusion as the3D effect of her scenes is compressed into a2D plane .

  4. 但在Céline的秀场,设计师菲比•菲罗(PhoebePhilo)完美地实现了艺术效果与商业效益兼得。

    At C é line , however , designer Phoebe Philo has brilliantly occupied the space in which artistic and commercial currency coexist .

  5. 另外,传统灯具的调光方式大多为模拟调光,这种调光方法已经用了很多年,但是如果应用到新型的LED灯具上,会使LED产生色偏,严重影响舞台的灯光艺术效果。

    In addition , most of the traditional lights use analog dimming methods which have been used for many years . But if using these methods to LED lights , they will let LED occur hue error which seriously affects artistic effect of stage lighting .

  6. 广告英语修辞及其艺术效果漫谈

    Random Thoughts about the Rhetoric and its Artistic Effects in Advertising English

  7. 电视节目特别适宜于表现奇幻,形象化的和具有多方面艺术效果的节目。

    Television is particularly suited to fantasy , imagery and multidimensional effects .

  8. 别动,否则你就破坏了整个艺术效果。

    Don 't move , or you 'll destroy the whole effect .

  9. 论体操教学艺术效果的互递性显现

    Discuss Appearance Each other of Artistic Effect in Gymnastical Teaching

  10. 进一步挖掘自然光的艺术效果。

    To further tap the artistic effect of natural light .

  11. 在这种超越之上,随之而来的是小说文本所体现出来的更加深邃的艺术效果。

    By more profound artistic effect embodied by the text .

  12. 《了不起的盖茨比》的叙述视角及艺术效果

    Point of view and artistic effect in The Great Gatsby

  13. 论影响版式设计艺术效果的客观因素

    Discussion on Objective Elements Influencing Artistic Effect of Format Design

  14. 同样,对嘴唇进行这样的操作,画完后点击滤镜-艺术效果-塑料包装。

    Paint the same way the lips , applying Filter-Filter Gallery-Plastic Wrap .

  15. 《还乡》所用典故的艺术效果

    Artistic Effectiveness of Allusions in the Return of the Native

  16. 喜剧台词幽默、诙谐、讽刺的艺术效果,主要通过变异修辞手段来获得。

    Comedy lines becomes humor and witty through the method of variation rhetoric .

  17. 文学翻译中语义和艺术效果同等重要。

    Meaning and artistic impact are two equally important elements in literary translation .

  18. 形式即内容&试析《喧哗与骚动》叙事形式的艺术效果

    On the Artistic Effects of Narrative Form in The Sound and the Fury

  19. 《两个高贵的亲戚》汉译文本的艺术效果对现代翻译教学的美学启示

    An Aesthetic Enlightenment on Today 's Translation Teaching Two Monks The Two Travelers

  20. 这三重因素决定着民族唱法的艺术效果。

    The triple factors determine the artistic result of the national singing style .

  21. 为突出装饰艺术效果所设计的灯光控制程序;

    Puts forward a lighting control process to highlight the artistic effect of decoration ;

  22. 此外还探索了多样化的叙事结构以及由此达到的艺术效果。

    Besides , diversified narrative structures are exploited to achieve a perfect artistic effect .

  23. 试验结果表明,这种仿真画刷能够产生相当逼真艺术效果。

    The test results show that these brushes can create very true art effect .

  24. 含蓄常产生意想不到的艺术效果。情节带有悬念或出人意料;

    His implication often produces unexpected artistic effect .

  25. 他追求题材真实,感情丰富,表现出独到的艺术效果。

    He pursued rich material , real feeling , and showed the unique artistic effect .

  26. 为了表现不同的艺术效果。

    To produce different artistic effects .

  27. 美的通感在诗歌语言中往往产生强烈的艺术效果。

    Good synaesthesia in poetry tends to give rise to a strong artistic effect on the readers .

  28. 三重的叙事结构、并置的叙事情节、分裂的主人公是复调性在艺术效果上的体现。

    Triple narrative structure , juxtaposed narrative plots and split heroes are artistic embodiment of polyphonic novels .

  29. 同时他使平面设计展现出更加广阔的空间,和更丰富的艺术效果。

    He also made graphic design show more extensive space , and the richness of artistic effect .

  30. 成功的广告言简意赅,情感丰富,形象生动,给人留下深刻的艺术效果。

    Successful advertising can impress customers deeply with its well-designed language content , abundant emotions and active images .