
  • 网络mal du siecle
  1. 世纪病不是一种新兴的社会现象。

    " Disease of the century " is not a newly developing social phenomenon .

  2. 世纪病是孕育于18世纪末,风行于19世纪初,蔓延于20世纪世界文坛的一种文学现象。

    The " world sorrow " is a kind of literary phenomenon born at the end of the 18th century , popularized in the early 19th century and spread in the world literary circles of the 20th century .

  3. 因此,糖尿病肾病正在成为21世纪肾脏病医生将要面临的一个重要问题。

    Therefore , DN would be a important problem that the doctor must be faced in 21 century .

  4. 21世纪传染病仍是威胁着人类生命健康的大敌,尤其是在发展中国家传染病发病率居高不下。

    The infectious disease is still a formidable enemy which is threatening the human life and health , especially the incidence of national infectious disease remains high in developing countries .

  5. 人类文明的进步并未阻止传染病的肆虐,进入二十一世纪,传染病的防治仍是人类必须面对的巨大挑战。

    Purpose : The progress of human civilization did not prevent the spread of infectious diseases . Infectious disease prevention is still one of the challenges which human must be faced in the twenty-first Century .

  6. 二十一世纪新发传染病&非典型肺炎

    Infectious atypical pneumonia & the first severe new disease of the 21st century

  7. 同时,认同危机作为世纪末的时代病具有相当的普遍性。

    Meanwhile , the identity crisis as the end of the century the era of the disease , a considerable universality .

  8. 20世纪初期的枯萎病发生之前,北美东部的硬木林曾有四分之一是栗树,但现在活下来的只有树桩了。

    Before a blight passed through in the early twentieth century , the hardwood forests of eastern North America were about 25 percent chestnut . Now , only their stumps survive .

  9. 进入21世纪后,该病的发生范围和损害度逐年扩大,已成为江淮稻区水稻生产上最主要的病害之一。

    The occurrence scope and damage degree of the virus , one of the most destructive rice diseases in Changjiang-Huaihe Area rice belt , are enlarging year by year after coming of 21 century .

  10. 栗疫病(Chestnutblight)是世界上最著名的森林病害之一,19世纪末20世纪初,该病使美洲板栗遭到全面灭种的威胁,成为植物病害摧毁自然物种的唯一例子。

    Chestnut blight was one of the most notable diseases of forest on the world , which almost kill out the American chestnut tree only as an example for pathogen attacking its host .

  11. 21世纪将是心理疾病患者显著增加的年代,心理疾病将成为严重威胁人类和社会稳定的世纪病。

    The number of patients suffering psychological diseases is on steady increase in 21st century . Psychological illnesses severely threaten the development of mankind and social stability .