
  1. 20世纪东方戏剧轨迹

    Pathway of 20 ~ ( th ) - century Oriental Dramas

  2. 论新世纪东方大港崛起的现实性

    Analyzing the Feasibility That Oriental Harbors Spring Up in the New Century

  3. 马克思、列宁与20世纪东方马克思主义

    Marx , Lenin , and the Oriental Marxism in the 20th Century

  4. 21世纪东方绘画的新展望

    A New View of the Eastern Painting in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  5. 我们应总结历史教训,为21世纪东方世界的腾飞作贡献。

    We should learn from the historical lessons for the development of the East world in the21st century .

  6. 中国图书馆人应该站在21世纪东方文化复兴队伍的前列。

    Library man in China should stand in the front position for oriental culture revivals in the 21st centuries .

  7. 21世纪东方哲学的复兴,尤其是中国当代哲学的重建,可以借鉴过程哲学某些有价值的合理思想。

    To revive and rebuild eastern philosophy , especially contemporary Chinese philosophy , it is worthwhile to refer to some valuable thought of the Process Philosophy .

  8. 系统科学、人体科学、思维科学有可能引发一场21世纪东方式的科技革命,新的文艺复兴。

    Systems science , human body science and noetic science might initiate a revolution of the oriental type in science and technology , as well as a new Renaissance in the 21st century .

  9. 表现了20世纪东方文学的一个共同特点:国家现代化进程中居于边缘立场的文学建构、文化反思与社会批判。

    One of striking common features of eastern literature in 20th century which is represented by Periphery is literature construction , cultural reflection and social criticism lying in the periphery position , in the process of national modernization .

  10. 21世纪的东方食品

    Oriental food industry in 21st century

  11. 18世纪与东方的频繁接触,促进了对便桌样式设计的专门化。

    Increasing contact with the East in the 18th century led to increasing specialization in the design of occasional tables .

  12. 明代宁波府郭巨所属下的双屿港,是海上丝绸之路的起点站,16世纪的东方海上明珠。

    Shuangyu harbor , which belonged to Guoju of Ningbo County in Ming Dynasty , was the starting point of the Silk Road on the sea and the orient pearl in16th century .

  13. 19世纪英国在东方的全部外交与军事行动几乎都围绕着这一主题。

    Almost all of British diplomatic and military actions in the Eastern during the nineteenth century were taken for this strategic object .

  14. 20世纪末,东方义符文字与西方音符文字教育理念的矛盾在深层产生碰撞,爆发了一场论争。

    At the end of the 20th century , there existed a deep conflict between the Eastern characters and Western words , which resulted in a debate over the educational ideas .

  15. 近些年来,随着富裕起来的中国新一代不断买回被西方人于19世纪带离东方的文物珍宝,这些瓷器的价值也在一路飙升。

    The value of Asian antiques has shot up in recent years as the newly-rich Chinese set about buying back their heritage which was taken out of the far east by westerners in the 19th century .

  16. 论十九世纪末二十世纪初俄国的东方战略

    On the Russian Oriental Strategy at the turn of the 20 Century

  17. 根据历史事实,在中西文化交流史上,东学西渐从未中断过,我认为21世纪应该是东化的世纪,东方文化将取代西方文化在世界上占统治地位。

    Tracing historical facts has proved that in the history of Chinese and west culture exchange , the dissemination of oriental learning has never stopped . In the history of cultural communication between East and West , I.