
hùn hé ɡuān xi
  • mixed relations
  1. 和其他XML数据库相比,DB2的一个优点是允许混合关系数据和XML数据。

    One advantage DB2 has over some other XML databases is that it allows mixing of relational data and XML data .

  2. 为阐明混合关系型查询、XML查询和连接,我们还提供了一个纯粹的关系型表&unit,其中列出了各单位的名称、主管等信息。

    To illustrate hybrid relational and XML queries as well as joins , we also have a pure relational table unit which lists the name , manager , and so on , for each unit .

  3. 我们将只集中在人类大家庭中的第一阶段,选择与血液混合关系。

    We will only focus on the human family in the first phase , with the option to blood-mix between them .

  4. 消费者、生产者和政府成员之间的这种混合关系在不断变化,产生出一种动态而非静态的经济。

    The mixture among consumers , producers and members of government changes constantly , resulting in a dynamic rather than a static economy .

  5. 混合关系形式的组织形态的出现要求企业开发跨越组织界限的成本管理技术,通过买卖各方的合作努力降低成本。

    As hybrid relational forms come into existence , the introduction of new cost management techniques across organizational boundaries is required , by means of which a cooperative effort of buyers and sellers will be reached for the purpose of reducing costs .

  6. Fuzzy混合等价关系模糊与积分混合控制器

    Fuzzy Mixed Equivalence Relations Fuzzy and Integral Mixed Controller

  7. HCC与基因D型及其混合型关系密切。

    Genotype D and D - mixed genotype were found to correlated with HCC at first time .

  8. 对于所制备的致密的α-Al2O3微晶陶瓷颗粒,其硬度和晶粒尺寸之间的关系服从混合Hall-Petch关系。

    The relation between the hardness and grain size follows the hybrid Hall-Petch relation .

  9. 一类带混合优先关系的模糊时间延迟调度问题研究

    A kind of scheduling problem with fuzzy delays under mixed precedence relations

  10. 分析了一类带有模糊时间延迟和混合优先关系的单机调度问题。

    A single machine-scheduling problem with fuzzy delays and mixed precedence relations is discussed .

  11. 目的分析医院对艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体筛选结果,了解HIV感染与HBV、HCV肝炎病毒混合感染的关系。

    Objective : To analyse screening results on ADIS virus antibody in hospitals and to investigate HIV infection in relation with HBV and HCV infections .

  12. 撞击流-旋转填料床萃取传质性能与微观混合效果的关系

    Relations of extraction mass-transfer and micromixing characteristics in an impinging stream-rotating packed bed

  13. 沉积岩系稀释混合元素丰度关系

    The element abundance relationship of dilution mixture in sedimentary rock series diluted Chinese style

  14. 滚筒干燥器中的颗粒混合运动是关系干燥效率的重要因素。

    The mixing process of slender particles in a rotary dryer is an important factor for drying efficiency .

  15. 最后,又通过研究系统约束与混合约束的关系,提出混合分散监控器存在的充分条件是可观察、可控闭语言与可观察可控谓词被满足。

    Finally , by presenting a relation between global constraints and mixed ones , a sufficient condition obtained for the existence of mixed decentralized supervisor is that the language which is close , observable and controllable and the predicate which is observable and controllable are both satisfied .

  16. 本文根据钚同位素的海洋地球化学行为,提出了钚从海水到沉积物的连续输入模式,讨论了层段输入因子与深海沉积物混合速率的关系,并计算了一个深海站位沉积物的混合速率。

    A continuous input model of Plutonium from seawater to sediments is proposed , based on geochemical behaviors of plutonium isotopes in the sea . The relationship between section input factors and mixing rates in deep-sea sediments is discussed , and mixing rates at an abyssal site are calculated .

  17. 通过理论分析探究了散装水泥运输车吹卸效率与气灰混合比的关系,应用流体力学推导出吹卸效率计算公式,提出了优化设计气卸散装水泥运输车的意见。

    By way of theory analysis make a thorough inquiry the relation between the Unloading efficiency and gas cement commercial mix of the bulk cement delivery tanker . Apply fluid mechanics to get the expressions of unloading efficiency , put forward opinion of optimize engineered the bulk cement delivery tanker .

  18. CAE工程及其与单片集成和混合集成电路的关系

    CAE Engineering and Its Relations with the Monolithic and Hybrid Integrated Circuits

  19. 同时,分析EPS与污泥沉降性能、混合液粘度的关系,进一步研究EPS影响膜污染的途径。

    Analyze the relationship between EPS and sludge settling characteristics , EPS and mixture viscosity , and then study how the EPS impact on membrane fouling .

  20. 为了使SCR流动系统内流场更加均匀和控制氨气泄漏,考察了SCR流动系统的内构件和气体混合行为之间的关系,并对SCR流动系统的内构件进行了优化。

    The relationship between the internals of SCR flow system and mixing performance was investigated for making the flow uniformity and controlling ammonia slip , and the internals of SCR flow system were optimized .

  21. 在常温条件下进行兼性生化处理生活污水试验,研究COD去除率与HRT、MLSS、进水有机物浓度和混合液水温的关系。

    Facultative biochemical technology was used for sewage treatment through a lab-scale experiment under room temperature condition to discuss the relationship of removal efficiency of COD with HRT , MLSS , influent organic density and mixed liquor temperature .

  22. HIWAS将经过切除的数据转换为关系-XML混合数据库或纯关系数据库的数据仓库架构。

    HIWAS converts the excised data into warehouse schemas for hybrid relational-XML or pure relational databases , Knoop explains .

  23. 嗜酸乳杆菌与牙周致病菌混合培养的生态关系

    Ecological relationship between lactobacilli acidophilus and periodontal bacteria in mix culture

  24. 为此提出了混合维空间遮蔽关系模型MSO。

    So we propose the multi-dimensional spatial occlusion model ( MSO ) .

  25. 论同一网络混合矩阵间之关系

    On the relation among various mixed matrices obtained from the same network

  26. 混合维空间遮蔽关系的表示与推理

    Representation and Reasoning for Multi-Dimensional Spatial Occlusion Relation

  27. 我们给出了衰变常数的表达式以及衰变常数与赝标量混合角之间的关系。

    We give their expressions and the relations between decay constants and pseudoscalar mixing angle .

  28. 讨论平均跟踪性与完全传递、拓扑弱混合及混沌的关系。

    Relations among the average-shadowing property , totally transitive , topologically weakly mixing and chaos were discussed .

  29. 目的:研究嗜酸乳杆菌与代表性牙周致病菌混合培养的生态关系,为牙周替代疗法提供科学依据。

    Objective : To investigate the ecological relationship between Lactobacillus acidophilus and periodontal pathogens in mix culture providing periodontal replacement therapy with scientific evidences .

  30. 本文首次导出同一网络因选树不同所得不同混合矩阵间的关系式,并举例验证。

    For the first time relation interconnecting various matrices that are obtained by different choices of trees on the same network is derived and verified by means of a number of illustrations in examples .