
  • 网络Chaos World;the chaotic world
  1. 很多时候,只有通过隐喻构建词义,才能对原来停留在混沌世界中的事物或状态等进行称说。

    Sometimes we can only through the metaphor to construct word meaning to name things or conditions in the chaos world .

  2. 传统侦探小说暗含着这样一个意识形态假设:逻辑和理性可以帮助人们摆脱混沌世界、追求秩序与安宁。

    Traditional detective fiction implies such an ideology : logic and reason can help people get rid of the chaotic world to obtain order and peace .

  3. 如何才能从混沌世界中理出头绪来呢?

    How can you sort out the order from the chaos ?

  4. 他发现巴西雨林是一处“快乐的混沌世界”;

    He found the Brazilian rainforest a " chaos of delight " .

  5. 欢迎来到服务所有权的混沌世界。

    Welcome to the ambiguous world of service ownership .

  6. 不偏不倚的调查研究证明,大自然不是杂乱无章的混沌世界,一切皆已安排得井然有序。

    Unbiased investigation proves that Nature is not Chaos but a well-ordered system .

  7. 混沌世界的治理&罗西瑙混沌范式、全球治理研究

    Global Governance in a Chaotic World : Studies of Rosenau 's Turbulence Paradigm and Global Governance

  8. 理想是混沌世界的照明,让我们看清前路,认识美丑善恶,坚守为人的底线;

    Ideals are the lighthouse in the darkened world , illuminating the way , enabling us to tell the holy from the evil and to keep the bottom line in any circumstance ;

  9. 因为我们正不断面临着巨大的变化,我们对世界的看法,正从由秩序统治的等级世界,转变成一个相互关联的混沌世界,这是什么意思呢?

    Because we 're moving through huge change Our perception of the world is changing from a hierarchical world ruled by order moving into an interconnected world shaped by chaos So what does it mean ?

  10. 我们身处的并不是一个混沌的世界,在真理的明媚光芒之下。

    Ours is not a gray world , Under the bright light of truth .

  11. 我不知道我要什么,彷徨无力的在这个混沌的世界里徘徊。

    I do not know what I have to , the inability loss in the chaotic world of wandering .

  12. 江南,春天最多的是绵绵细雨,交织着飘入这混沌的世界,天空是青色的黯淡。

    Jiangnan , spring is the largest continuous drizzle , mixed with floating into this chaotic world , the bleak sky is blue .

  13. 这混沌的世界让他觉得厌倦,于是他用一把巨大而锋利的斧子砍开了它。

    Tired and hated of the mess , he hacked the earth with a huge sharp ax , which was followed by blaring noise .

  14. 她在混沌的世界中探索生命的意义,找到了生命永恒的模式。感受生命的瞬间,超越生命的有限,走向生命的永恒,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的生命观有着积极的启示意义。

    She discovers among the chaotic world the meaning of life in experiencing the moments of life , transcending the limitation of life and reaching the eternity of life .

  15. 混沌是世界的本源,秩序是人类的梦想,完善市场经济制度,是一项长期的历史任务,所有市场经济国家都在为此而努力;

    " Confusion is origin of the world , order is dream of human ", improving the market economy institution is a historical task , for which all nations of market economy is making great efforts .

  16. 约瑟夫•坎贝尔认为超验的世界是混沌一体的世界,是神的世界,而人的世界是一个对立的二元的世界。

    Joseph Campbell thinks that transcendental world is a unitary world which belongs to the God while that of Human is an opposite and dualistic one .

  17. 量子力学和混沌理论都表明世界永远处于不断变化中。

    Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux .

  18. 《洛丽塔》;纳博科夫;混沌理论;混沌世界;

    Lolita ; Nobokov ; chaos theory ; the chaotic world ;

  19. 有人将他的绘画称为“新东方主义”绘画,认为他营造了一种无我不分、浑然未醒、混沌整一的世界。

    Someone called his drawings as Neo-Orientalism painting , and thought he built an unawakened altruism world .

  20. 权力意志是解释性的,而通过解释,无数个外观世界从这个混沌、生成的世界中被透视出来。

    Through the interpretative nature of wills to power , the world is projected out of the chaotic and generating state .

  21. 美国及我们的朋友再次处于十字路口,一边是和平的世界,另一边是充满混沌和惊恐万状的世界。

    Once again , this nation and all our friends are all that stand between a world at peace , and a world of chaos and constant alarm .