
  • 网络Filial Piety Song;Filial Song
  1. 黔东部分地区孝歌略论

    Brief Discussion on the Mourning songs in the East Part of Guizhou Province

  2. 孝歌是我国民间丧葬活动中的一种习俗,一种仪式歌。

    Singing the mourning songs is a custom and a ceremony in our country folk funeral activities .

  3. 《黑暗传》是一部汉民族神话历史叙事长诗,同时也是歌师在丧礼上演唱的孝歌。

    " Darkness " is a long poem about Chinese mythology and history and a song by sang in funeral .

  4. 灌阳县上乡丧葬音乐,存活在历史上属于湘楚的、较封闭的地理文化环境中,有孝歌、道师音乐、哭三类。

    The funeral music of South Guanyang County survives the relatively geographically isolated environment which used to be part of the culture of Hunan and Hubei provinces .