
  1. 时至今日众多学者运用不同的研究方法对孟姜女传说进行了诸多层面的探索与解读,可谓成果丰硕,业已出版发表了数十部著作、上百篇论文。

    Today , more and more scholars use different approaches to do many aspects of exploration and interpretation of Meng Jiangnv . The results are fruitful , include dozens of books published and hundred papers which has published .

  2. 中国人则是通过有关孟姜女的悲情传说了解的,孟姜女为了悼念修筑长城的丈夫而痛哭城下,导致那段长城就此坍塌。

    For the Chinese , it was through the heartbreaking legend of Meng Jiangnu , whose tears of mourning for her husband , a wall builder , caused the fortification to collapse .