
  1. 孟加拉国乡村银行小额信贷发展模式研究

    The Research on Grameen Bank of Bangladesh 's Microfinance Development Model

  2. 孟加拉国乡村银行以小组联保的方式来降低小额信贷的风险。

    Grameen Bank in Bangladesh adopts the group of UNPROFOR to reduce credit risk .

  3. 孟加拉国格拉米银行

    Grameen Bank in Bangladesh

  4. 现代意义上的小额信贷若以孟加拉国乡村银行的建立为标志,时至今日已有三十余年的发展史了。

    Micro-credit in the modern sense of the establishment of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh as a symbol , today has more than thirty years history of development .

  5. 纵观国外的小额贷款银行的发展,借鉴孟加拉国乡村银行的监管经验和美国社区银行的监管经验。

    After studying on the development of the microfinance banks abroad , taking the regulatory model of the rural banks in Bangladesh , as well as the community banks in United States as an example .

  6. 孟加拉国“贫民银行”的经验,同样可以运用于我国城市的创业性再就业工作。城市商业银行应当开创个人贷款这一新的业务领域。

    Bangladeshi experience of " Bank for the Poor " can equally be used in the reemployment program which has pioneering characters in the cities of our country .