
  1. 要孝敬父母。

    Honour thy father and thy mother .

  2. 儿女们都认为应当孝敬父母。

    The sons and daughters all consider it a moral obligation to look after their parents . ;

  3. 青年人的第一责任,就是孝敬父母。

    Youth 's first duty is to show their respect to parents .

  4. 我们再怎么强调孝敬父母的重要性都不足为过!

    We cannot emphasize the importance of honoring our parents to much !

  5. 唐人深受儒家思想影响,于敬老尊亲、孝敬父母尤为重视。

    The people of the Tang Dynasty were deeply influenced by Confucianism .

  6. 孝敬父母,就是我们应当向黄香的思想品德。

    Filial piety towards parents , is that to which we should hold fast .

  7. 人人都应孝敬父母。

    Everyone should show honour to their parents .

  8. 传道就是要使受教育者懂得如何做人,而做人的基本应从爱祖国教育、爱家乡教育、孝敬父母教育抓起。

    Preaching means enabling the recipients of education to know how to be a man .

  9. 孝敬父母,感恩他人是我们中华民族的传统美德。

    Honor their parents , others , Thanksgiving is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation .

  10. 他就可以不孝敬父母。

    6 he is not to ` honor his father [ 3 ] 'with it .

  11. 拥有一颗感恩的心,我们才懂得去孝敬父母。

    Have a grateful heart , we know how to honor your father and mother .

  12. 9当孝敬父母,又当爱邻舍如同自己。

    9 honor your father and mother ; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself .

  13. 所以我们说,孝敬父母容易,真诚地爱父母就比较困难。

    So , filial piety is easy to do but it is difficult to love parents sincerely .

  14. “不但人美心也美,她们还很孝敬父母”

    " Grow beautiful in mind and body , they were also devoted to their parents . "

  15. 诚实可靠,有爱心,孝敬父母,对家庭有责任心,对事业有上进心。

    Honest , caring , honor their parents , the family responsible for the cause of ambition there .

  16. 孝敬父母作为十诫之一,是基督教的一个重要伦理规范。

    As one of the Ten Commandments ," honoring your parents " is an important ethical norm of Christianity .

  17. 应该多挣钱孝敬父母,而不是去做自己的艺术。

    They think I should earn more money to perform my filial duty instead of focusing solely on my art .

  18. 学佛了,慢慢地从佛教里面领悟到,然后他怎么回报这个社会,孝敬父母。

    Someone who practices Buddhism would gradually realise the essentiality of repaying the society and being filial to the parents .

  19. 这时三个儿子往里面看,有一张字条在底部:孝敬父母。

    Then the three brothers stared inside , where they now read an inscription on the bottom : Honor Your Father And Mother .

  20. 当孝敬父母,使你的日子在耶和华-你上帝所赐你的土地上得以长久。

    Honor your father and your mother , that your days may be long in the land which the LORD your God gives you .

  21. 给青年人最好的忠告是让他们谦逊谨慎,孝敬父母,爱戴亲友。

    The best advice for the youth is to be modest and prudent , respect their parents and venerate , their relatives and friends .

  22. 孝敬父母的含义在于爱惜身体和生命,服从父母的教导和奉养父母。

    The meaning of obeying your parents lies in taking good care of your body and life along with obeying your parents and supporting them .

  23. 孩子孝敬父母,才会爱同学,爱老师,爱人民,爱社会,爱祖国。

    Children honor their parents , the students will love , love the teacher , love people , love of community , love of the motherland .

  24. 在家庭中,妇女除了要孝敬父母、生儿育女、相夫教子外,还要管理家业,这样才能称得上是贤妇。

    In household life , a virtuous woman must show filial piety to parents , procreate , help her husband and teach children , besides administer property .

  25. 神说,当孝敬父母。又说,咒骂父母的,必治死他。

    For God said , give honour to your father and mother : and , he who says evil of father or mother will be put to death .

  26. 长此以往,孩子永远不能真正懂得孝敬父母,理解他人,更不会主动帮助别人。

    If this goes on , children will never learn to be respectful to their parents or considerate to others , no to say to help others voluntarily .

  27. 他一定会看出他父亲的缺点,因此也许会觉得那种绝对孝敬父母的观念有点不易实行。

    He would have been able to see his father 's foibles , and he might have found the precept of absolute piety somewhat difficult to live up to .

  28. 还有的人觉得法律规定子女必须常回家看看,给那些不孝敬父母的人敲敲警钟,挺好的。

    Others think that it is a good thing to have the adult children restrained legally to visit their parents and give warnings to those who are not filial obedient .

  29. 孝敬父母还可以引申为学生对老师、雇员对雇主、属下对上司、国民对国家的义务。

    The meaning of " obeying your parents " can be extended to the obligations of students toward their teachers , employees to their employers , and citizens to their country .

  30. 热爱和孝敬父母是我国传统道德的起码要求,但中专学生在这方面的认识和表现令人失望和担忧。

    Love and give presents to our parents is the primary request of Chinese traditional morals , but it is disappointed and worried about polytechnic school student 's showing at this side .