
hùn hé cí
  • Mixed word;composite word;hybrid word
  1. “宅度假”是由stay(宅)和vacation(度假)组成的混合词,指在家或家附近度假。

    Staycation is a portmanteau that combines " stay " and " vacation " and refers to a holiday that takes place either at or near home .

  2. aeroplane(飞机)是一个由希腊词和拉丁词组成的混合词。

    " Aeroplane " is a hybrid which is made from a Greek word and a Latin one .

  3. 这一词还可用以构成复合形容词aeroplane(飞机)是一个由希腊词和拉丁词组成的混合词。

    It is also used in adjectival compounds " Aeroplane " is a hybrid which is made from a Greek word and a Latin one .

  4. 还嫌意义不够深远似的,“Mareep”还是“Mary”和“sheep”的混合词,所以这个名字里也暗藏一首儿歌——《玛丽有只小绵羊》。

    As if that wasn 't enough layers , Mareep is also a portmanteau of " Mary " and " Sheep , " so the name is also an allusion towards the nursery rhyme , Mary had a Little Lamb .

  5. 第二个词是一个混合词:Gallo来源拉丁词公鸡,pavo来源拉丁词孔雀。

    The second name is a portmanteau : Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster , gallus , while pavo is the Latin word for peacock .

  6. Movember是胡子和11月这两个单词的混合词,它要求男性留着胡子筹集资金为调查男性健康慈善机构募捐。

    Movember , which combines the words for " moustache " and the11th month , asks men to grow a moustache to help raise money and awareness for various men 's health charities .

  7. 第二个词是一个混合词:Gallo来源拉丁词”公鸡“,pavo来源拉丁词”孔雀“。所以,最终,火鸡的正式名称就是:珍珠鸡-公鸡-孔雀(guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock)。

    The second name is a portmanteau : Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster , gallus , while pavo is the Latin word for peacock . So , effectively , the official name for a turkey is guinea-fowl-rooster-peacock .

  8. 外国商标通常运用构词法,如剪辑词、混合词或首字母词构成。

    Foreign trademarks are more often that not created through word formation such as chipping , blending or acronymy .

  9. 现在韩国语词汇系统可以分成4类:固有词、汉字词、外来词和混合词。

    The present vocabulary system of Korea language can be divided into 4 classes : natural language , Chinese language , foreign language and mixed language .

  10. 首先根据新词的来源将其分为固有词,汉字词,外来词,混合词等4部分进行具体的统计分析。

    Firstly , dividing into inherent word , Chinese character words , foreign words , mixed words under the new origin of the word and making a concrete analysis .

  11. 文章不仅详细地分析了小说中的双关语、拟声词、杜撰新词、混合词和转换引语等语言现象的艺术效果,而且还深入探讨了它们在特定语境中的作用。

    The essay not only analyses the artistic effect of puns , onomatopoeia , neologism , portmanteau and transforming citations , but also explores their functions in the particular context .

  12. 汉韩混合型外来词对比

    A Contrastive Research of Mixed Loanwords between Chinese and Korean

  13. 但是,正如混合型这个词所表明的,为应用程序提供服务的数据库仍然存在。

    However , as the word hybrid already indicates , the databases serving the applications continue to exist .