
  • 网络the News of the World;News of the World's
  1. 他们都是鲁伯特·默多克《世界新闻报》的工作人员。

    They worked for Rupert Murdoch 's News of the World .

  2. 早在2007年,世界新闻报已有一名记者和私人调查人员因窃听手机上的语音留言而被监禁。

    A reporter and a private investigator at News of the World had already been jailed in2007 for hacking into voicemail messages left on mobile telephones .

  3. 最近受电话窃听丑闻困扰的《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)被停刊,但是丑闻却愈演愈烈。

    And the phone-hacking scandal surrounding the recently-shuttered news of the world grows more complicated by the minute .

  4. 发出这封邮件的一天前,《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)出版了停刊前的最后一期。

    The email was also sent a day after the News of the World published its final edition .

  5. 一年前爆出的《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)窃听丑闻,不可逆转地改变了这种局面。

    The news of the world hacking scandal , which broke a year ago , altered that irrevocably .

  6. 因窃听语音信箱而引发的公愤,已经迫使畅销报纸《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)关门大吉。

    A furore about voicemail interceptions has already forced the closure of the best-selling news of the world .

  7. 《世界新闻报》发起的这场宣传活动的影响,从英国内政部(homeoffice)的统计数据上可以看出。

    The impact of the news of the world campaign is evident in the home office statistics .

  8. 新闻集团(NewsCorp。)旗下小报《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)被控窃听语音信箱的丑闻促使英国政府出面承诺说,将对引发争议的报道策略展开新的调查。

    A scandal at News Corp. 's tabloid News of the World over alleged voice-mail interceptions prompted promises of new U.

  9. 英国不久前曝光,英国小报《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)雇佣侦探,窃听语音信箱留言,这突显出了新闻业的道德缺失。

    Recent UK revelations of methods used by detectives employed by the news of the world , the tabloid newspaper - hacking into voicemail messages - have highlighted ethical lapses in journalism .

  10. 公司旗下的一家报纸《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)爆出窃听丑闻时,素以强硬作风著称的老默多克断然决定关闭这家有168年历史的报纸。

    When the phone hacking scandal erupted at one of them , the news of the world , Rupert made one of his famously tough-minded decisions , abruptly closing the 168-year-old paper .

  11. 默多克指出,《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)在他的帝国中只占很小一部分这份拥有168年历史的报纸现已停刊,以前一直是最畅销和赚钱的周日小报。

    Rupert Murdoch pointed out that the news of the world , the best-selling and profitable Sunday tabloid , now closed after 168 years , is but a small fragment of his empire .

  12. 他已被迫关闭《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld),放弃全盘收购英国天空广播公司(bskyb)的尝试。

    He has been forced to close down the news of the world and to abandon a bid for full control of British Sky Broadcasting .

  13. 正如英国信息专员(informationcommissioner)提交的一些被广泛忽视的报告所显示的,使用可疑乃至非法手段的媒体绝非《世界新闻报》一家。

    The news of the world is far from alone in the use of dubious and illegal practices , as widely ignored reports from the information commissioner have shown .

  14. 尽管许多企业只关心互联网的数据安全,但他们可能没有意识到,许多电话黑客,或是小报记者【比如《世界新闻报》(NewsoftheWorld)】,可能正在忙着窃听你们的电话。

    While the corporation worries about its Internet data security , computer hackers – or tabloid newspaper reporters , as in the case of news of the world – could be busy eavesdropping on phone calls .

  15. 由此释放出的潮水般的藐视情绪已改变了英国传媒业的版图,迫使处于丑闻中心的《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)关闭。

    The tidal wave of contempt thus released has already altered the media landscape . It has forced the closure of the venerable tabloid newspaper at the centre of the scandal , the News of the World .

  16. AndyCoulson于2007年从《世界新闻报》辞职。

    Mr. Coulson resigned from News of the World in two thousand seven .

  17. 昨日早些时候,布鲁克斯和她丈夫查理布鲁克斯(charliebrooks)被控在警方调查她曾担任主编的《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)涉嫌窃听电话期间隐藏证据。

    Earlier in the day , Mrs Brooks and her husband Charlie were charged with concealing evidence from the police investigating phone-hacking allegations at the news of the world newspaper she formerly edited .

  18. SeanHoare曾经表示,在他自己为世界新闻报工作的时间内,使用pin码追踪新闻人几乎每一次都要500美元左右的价格。

    Hoare said that when he worked there , pinging cost the paper nearly $ 500 on each occasion , the Times reported .

  19. 一周过后鲁珀特默多克(RupertMurdoch)则传递了相反的信息。他取消了原定的达沃斯之行,留在伦敦试图平息《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)电话窃听门引起的风波。

    Rupert Murdoch this week delivered the opposite message as he cancelled a planned trip to Davos to stay in London to try to quell the storm over phone hacking at the News of the World .

  20. 周五,英国警方逮捕了英国最畅销的报纸《世界新闻报》前记者AndyCoulson。

    On Friday , British police arrested Andy Coulson , former editor of Britain 's best-selling newspaper , News of the World .

  21. LawrenceGraham律师事务所的伊冯娜加拉格尔(YvonneGallagher)表示,新闻国际还可能面临《世界新闻报》员工在雇佣审判庭提起索赔。

    News International may also face employment tribunal claims from staff of the News of the World , says Yvonne Gallagher of Lawrence Graham .

  22. 时任《世界新闻报》主编的库尔森(AndyCoulson)辞职,但他说自己对电话窃听一事并不知情。

    Andy Coulson , then editor of the News of the World , resigned , but said he didn 't know about the phone hacking .

  23. 自本月电话窃听丑闻再次爆发以来,新闻集团关闭了处于有罪指控核心的英国小报《世界新闻报》(newsofworld),并放弃了其增长计划的基石对bskyb的收购。

    Since the phone hacking scandal erupted again this month , News Corp has closed the news of the world , the UK tabloid newspaper at the centre of allegations of criminal behaviour , and abandoned the cornerstone of its growth plans the BSkyB acquisition .

  24. 就在不久前,在早期一宗丑闻中辞职的《世界新闻报》主编安迪柯尔逊(AndyCoulson)还是首相府的新闻负责人。

    Andy Coulson , who resigned as editor of the News of the World during an earlier stage in the scandal , was until recently the Downing Street communications director .

  25. 在照片的左边是LesHinton,他在今年的世界新闻报窃听丑闻中辞职。

    Pictured to the left is Les Hinton , who would later resign as publisher of the Wall Street Journal when the2011 News of the World phone-hacking scandal spread .

  26. 除此之外,FBI已表示他们打算调查关于《世界新闻报》窃听911受害者电话记录的指控。

    As well as this the FBI have already said they want to look into a claim that the News of the World sought to access the phone records of people who died on 9 / 11 .

  27. 新闻国际首席执行官丽贝卡布鲁克斯(RebekahBrooks)曾担任《世界新闻报》编辑(在众所周知的窃听事件发生之前),这也没起什么好作用。

    It has not helped that Rebekah Brooks , chief executive of News International , is a former editor of The News of the World ( before the known hacking occurred ) .

  28. 曾担任《世界新闻报》副主编的尼尔沃利斯(NeilWallis)被警方拘留接受询问。沃利斯在2009年前也是英国媒体投诉委员会(PCC)的成员之一。

    Neil Wallis , a former deputy editor of the News of the World who also served as a member of the Press Complaints Commission until 2009 , was detained by police for questioning .

  29. 在回答工党议员汤姆沃森(tomwatson)的问题时,默多克表示,他此前未曾被告知有关《世界新闻报》雇员付钱给警察的指控。

    Questioned by Tom Watson , the Labour MP , his father said that he had not been informed about allegations that news of the world employees made payments to police , emphasising that news international made up only a small part of his News Corp empire .

  30. 但是邮件中的问题在于收件人是Neville,这个名字可能指向于世界新闻报的首席记者NevilleThurlbeck,因此他也被牵涉进入案件之中。

    But the email in question was marked for Neville and is said to have implied the News of the World 's chief reporter Neville Thurlbeck was also implicated in malpractices .