
  • 网络artistic ideal
  1. 艺术理想与人类现实&马克思主义美学观的新解读

    A New Interpretation of Marxist Artistic Ideal and Human Reality

  2. 西方传统艺术理想的基本范畴与特点

    Essential Categories and Characteristics of Western Traditional Artistic Ideal

  3. 黑格尔艺术理想的宗教皈依

    On Religionary Convertion of Hegel 's Artistic Ideal

  4. 莱辛追求完美主义的艺术理想观。

    Lessing advocates perfect artistic ideal .

  5. 改变这种现状,艺术家要保持独立的人格,建立自己的艺术理想。

    The artists should keep their own personality and establish their own artistic idealism to change this .

  6. 可以夸大为源自形而上的艺术理想,亦或只是简单的形而下的生活经验。

    One can conflate it to a metaphysical artistic ideal , or a mundane and profane experience .

  7. 黄建新的电影是艺术理想阐释和关注社会现实结合较好的典型,黄建新是我们这个时代电影现实与电影理想相互关系的一种表征。

    The movies of Huang Jianxin is a model that illuminating art idea conjoins concerning social reality .

  8. 萧红是一位具有现代精神气质和艺术理想的先锋作家。

    Xiao Hong is a pioneer writer who has the modern spirit and the image of art .

  9. 艺术理想与生命关怀&评雷体沛教授新作《艺术与生命的审美关系》

    Artistic Ideal and Life Concern : A Review of The Esthetic Relations of Art and Life ;

  10. 本文认为,舞台上的人物形象是作者、导演、以及演员三方面的艺术理想的结合。

    This article asserts that personage image of stage is combination of what the author , director and actor are seeking .

  11. 汤显祖的词体创新举措是他一贯艺术理想的自然流露;

    Tang 's action of blazing new trails on Ci style is a natural revelation of his consistent ideal on art .

  12. 人类不是一个人在某种意义上说,不同于人造的智慧,提供的艺术理想。

    Human being is not a person in a sense different from what an art ideal that an artificial intelligence could provide .

  13. 纯诗虽是象征主义的诗学命题,但作为纯粹美的艺术理想,它却是人类通过艺术所表达的一种生命需要。

    " Pure Poetry " is the theory of Symbolism . It is a kind of life demand that mankind expresses in art .

  14. 古典主义时期诗画之争与德意志民族艺术理想&莱辛美学思想探析之二

    " The Argument about Poems and Paintings " during Classicism Period and Deutsche National Artistic Ideology & Second Analysis on Lessing 's Aesthetic Thought

  15. 通过力量我们可以领会苦难的诗人置身苦难的世界中的那种苦难的生命意识,进而了解诗人在整个生命历程中的人生追求和艺术理想。

    Through this power , we can comprehend the poet 's suffering life consciousness in the misery world and his pursuit of life and artistic ideal in his life .

  16. 黑格尔美学以艺术理想为最高追求,而这种艺术理想只是“绝对理念”的初级内容,也是通向宗教理念的过渡环节。

    Artistic ideal , which is the core of Hegel 's aesthetics , is a primary sector of absolute idea , and is a bridge leading to religionary idea .

  17. 同时,他将这种艺术理想融于艺术创作之中,写下了风格清新、意境深远的诗集《流云》。

    Moreover , he combined his art ideal with his art creation , and wrote a group of pomes with elegant style and deep artistic conceptions named " Liu Yun " .

  18. 1983年,几个充满艺术理想的人期望能在飞速发展的硅谷建立一支世界级的芭蕾舞团。

    In1983 a small group of arts visionaries dreamed of starting a world-class ballet company to serve the rapidly growing Silicon Valley , and City Center Ballet of San Jose was born .

  19. 他们把其独到的艺术理想付诸创作,在观念、思想上开一代先河,并成功地在理论上进行了总结,从而启示后人。

    They carried out their own unique artistic ideal in creation , open a generation in art concepts and ideas , and they even summarized them into art theory to inspire others .

  20. 海子诗歌中的麦子意象,犹如当年梵高笔下的向日葵,成为痛苦燃烧的人生和炽热博大的艺术理想的象征。

    The image of " the Wheat " in Hai Zi 's poetry is just like " the Sunflower " by Van Gogh , which represents a bitterly life blending with endless artistic dream .

  21. 新生代后期影人试图突破前期新生代孤芳自赏的市场局面,试图在主流意识和市场的认同下完成自我艺术理想的实现。

    The Cenozoic Era later period attempts breaks through the earlier period Cenozoic Era " to be narcissistic " the market aspect , attempts completes the self-artistic ideal in the mainstream consciousness and under the market approval realization .

  22. 人们通过技术来实现自己的艺术理想,所追求的也并非是纯粹的概念上的艺术,而是通过艺术来创造、建立那只能活一次的独一无二的自己。

    People achieve the art ideal of self by means of the technique , Art which approximately attend school that what pursue also really hot is unadulterated , But is by means of the art that can only to live once the most unparalleled self .

  23. 在高消费主义的商业社会,在艺术理想匮乏的时代,艺术家只能把自己变成机器,去迎合、认同、生产、复制所有的流行时尚,并最大限度的去获取商业利润和争取15分钟的成功。

    In the commercial society of high consumption , in the era of the lacking of art ideals , artists , as machines , can only cater to , identify , produce and copy the fashions , and gain commercial profits and succeed in 15 minutes .

  24. 民国时期,传统雕塑日益衰落,在以师夷之长为日的的留学大潮中,一批抱有艺术理想的年轻人赴法国、意大利、比利时、日本、美国等国家学习西方雕塑。

    Traditional sculpture declined during the period of the Republic of China . In the tide of going abroad with the aim of learning merits from foreign countries , many youngsters went to France , Italy , Belgium , Japan and America , etc. They learned Western sculpture .

  25. 当代艺术审美理想的迷失与重建

    Losing and Rebuilding the Aesthetic Ideals of Modern Art

  26. 我们将欣然等待我们的艺术与理想得到应有尊重的那一天。

    Fain would we await the time when due respect shall be paid to our art and ideals .

  27. 只有真正富有艺术审美理想与艺术精神的艺术作品才能真正完成艺术使命。

    Only the art works that are truly rich in aesthetic ideality and art spirit can accomplish artistic mission .

  28. 弗洛伊德一生都在不懈探索,一步步地进入艺术的理想境界。

    All his life of Art , he stuck on to explore hard , and enter into his ideal position step by step .

  29. 一些作者希求在民间寻找和确立人生和艺术的理想从而逐步“走向民间”。

    Some authors hoped to look for and establish the ideal of life and art from the people , therefore they gradually " went to the people " .

  30. 文章所讨论的雅俗共赏,是一种艺术审美理想与文学批评标准。雅俗共赏的优秀诗词作品有着鲜明的艺术特点,能更好地发挥社会作用,是诗词创作的最高境界。

    The author holds the view that appealing to refined and popular tastes is a norm for artistic aesthetics and literary criticism and believes that it is the highest aim of poetry writing .