
  • 网络Les six
  1. 英国前穆斯林协会秘书长伊克巴。桑克雷尼在六月带了一个六人代表团去了巴基斯坦;

    Sir Iqbal Sacranie , the former secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain , led a six-member delegation to Pakistan in June .

  2. 在结案陈词时,齐默曼的律师马克·奥玛拉对六人陪审团说,证据和证词都显示,他的当事人在枪杀特雷沃恩·马丁时有正当理由使用武器。

    In his closing argument , Zimmerman 's lawyer Mark O'Mara told the six-person jury , that the evidence and testimony shows his client was justified in the use of force when he shot and killed Trayvon Martin .