
chuánɡ tóu dēnɡ
  • bedside lamp
  1. 床头灯朦胧的光柔和地投射在他脸上。

    The dim bulb of the bedside lamp cast a soft radiance over his face .

  2. 她打开床头灯。

    She switched on the bedside lamp

  3. 他一只手抓起电话听筒,另一只手去摸床头灯的开关。

    He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp

  4. 他伸手去摸床头灯,把灯打开。

    He fumbled for the bedside lamp and turned it on .

  5. 她坐了起来,打开了床头灯。

    She sat up and switched on the bedside light .

  6. 在照明上,卧室的床头灯是很重要的。

    On illume , the berth lamp of the bedroom is very important .

  7. 我将床头灯整夜开着。

    I keep a bedside lamp on all night .

  8. 愿望里的旅店有钟爱的床头灯,昏黄的灯光被贴上温馨的标签。

    That 's just the bedlamp of hut in dream , the warm light has label .

  9. 空调,床头灯,两面开窗,足够明亮。只属于你们二人的空间!

    Bright window , the window of the red lanterns , This is only room for you !

  10. 在抽屉的家具,覆盖,枕头和床头灯存放。

    In the drawer of the furniture , cover , pillow and the bedside lamp are stored .

  11. 镀金床框两侧各有一盏黄铜的床头灯,床头板上的蓝色面料则为室内添加了一抹亮色。

    Brass reading lights flanked a gilded bed frame , whose blue fabric headboard provided a pop of color .

  12. 玛利亚:我打扫之后会把床头灯打开的。

    Maria : I 'll make sure to leave the lamp on the bedstand on after I finish cleaning up .

  13. 到了门里,进了房间,打开了床头灯,把自己的包往床上一放。

    In the door and into my room , put on the bedside lamp , the bag on the bed .

  14. 当时我明白我醉得很厉害,后来走进房间,打开床头灯,开始看书。

    I knew I was quite drunk , and when I came in I put on the light over the head of the bed and started to read .

  15. 你也有资格说什么费电费电的?你总是整夜不关床头灯就睡着了,怎么解释?

    You should be the last person to talk about wasting electricity ! How about all the times you fell asleep with your bedside lamp on all night ?

  16. 例1即使在我们关掉床头灯甜甜地进入梦乡时,电仍然为我们工作:开动电冰箱,把水加热,或使室内空调机继续运转。

    Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep , electricity is working for us , driving our refrigerators , heating our water , or keeping our rooms air-conditioned .

  17. 想象你是位歌手,半夜醒来,再一次发现,陪伴自己的还是只有一盏晕黄的床头灯!天快亮了,他床头的灯还亮着。

    Imagine being a singing star and waking in the middle of the night realizing that your only companion is a dimly lit bedside lamp , again ? When dawn came his bed lamp was still burning .

  18. 这些排水管直径有2米,2.5米长,可以通过一个舷窗看到外面。有一个前门可以关上,还有一个舒适的窝可以蜷缩着躺进去。管道房间里还有床垫、床头灯、羊毛毯和一个轻便的睡袋。

    The drainpipes are two meters in diameter and two and a half meters long , with a porthole to look out of , a front door to close and a cozy nest to snuggle into , which includes a low-slung futon , bedside lamp , woolly blanket and light sleeping bag .