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chuáng shī
  • bedbug
床虱[chuáng shī]
  1. 专业灭虫员奋战在与床虱斗争的第一线,他们目睹了这一战斗的牺牲品:爱情。

    The exterminators are on the front lines of the bedbug battles , and they have seen the casualties : romance .

  2. 对床虱的恐惧也进一步危及了亲密关系。

    The fear of bedbugs is also heightening intimacy tensions .

  3. 如果你还没有见过床虱,那你就算幸运的了。

    If you haven 't met a bed bug , countyourself lucky .

  4. 在我的房子发现床虱。

    In my house discovery Bed Bugs .

  5. 然而目前并没有官方统计,明确指出纽约的床虱对两性关系有什么影响。

    There are no official figures regarding the effects of bedbugs on relationships in New York .

  6. 许多纽约人也怀疑一些媒体报道只是纯粹为了营造恐慌气氛而这么报道,床虱与男女关系没有任何联系。

    Many New Yorkers questioned reported no contact with bedbugs or any relationship strains because of the fear .

  7. 那时,有些人甚至都不知道床虱的存在,以为它们只是童谣里的虚构生物。

    During that time , somepeople didn 't even know the bed bug existed . They thought it was a made-up creaturefrom the nursery rhyme 。

  8. 床虱以血液为生,几天或者一周吃一顿,并不是很频繁。

    Bed bugs live on blood . They usually eatevery few days or week , but they don 't need to eat that often to survive .

  9. 在纽约,人们正听到越来越多夫妻因肆虐住宅、商店和电影院的床虱而分手的传闻。

    New Yorkers say they have increasingly heard tales of couples breaking up because of the little creatures that have infested New York homes , stores and movie theaters .

  10. 巴恩斯说当关系逐渐稳定后,就可以告知对方是否愿意前往可能会有床虱的地方。

    She says that when the relationship is escalating , it 's a good idea to inform the other person if you are bringing him or her into areas of potential exposure , Barnes said .

  11. 她建议,不要刚约会告诉对方自己有虱子。巴恩斯说当关系逐渐稳定后,就可以告知对方是否愿意前往可能会有床虱的地方。

    She advises not telling people on the first date you have bedbugs . She says that when the relationship is escalating , it ` s a good idea to inform the other person if you are bringing him or her into areas of potential exposure , Barnes said .

  12. 在过去15年间,床虱在美国、澳大利亚、欧洲及部分亚洲地区都比较常见。它的回归让许多人都觉得很震惊,因为从过去的60年到现在这种虫子在世界上的上述地区都很罕见。

    In the past 15 years or so , the bed bug , hasbecome common all over the United States , Australia , Europe and parts of Asia.Its comeback has surprised many people because until recently , the pest hadbeen rare for some 60 years in these parts of the world .