- 名love scene;love-making scene in a movie

torrid bedroom scenes .
Executives wanted to shoot the series in China , but censors raised issues about the violence and sexual aspects of the story .
Other than having bed scenes , Mike He and Ning Chang had quite a number of kissing scenes , asking if they had the electrified feeling ?
The pair , who starred in Brokeback Mountain together , play a pair of mismatched lovers who end up in bed for a large part of the movie .
Tarantino 's movies , with their scenes of sex , bloodshed and carnage , would not be the first choice for the majority of cinema-goers , she said .
He also said he 'd rather portray a " Game of Thrones " character who has sex than one who dies , but he didn 't get to do either .
In the novel , which covers a longer time period than the movie ( from the 1910s to 1950s ) , the character of Tian , who appears most in the sex scenes , dies halfway through the story .
Although there are few sex scenes toward the end of the 150-minute movie , Tian plays a key role in the story 's development , and her sexual attitude is constantly under scrutiny as she gets involved with a series of men .