- lure away the employees of another company/organization by making attractive offers

[undermine] 把别的戏班中有叫座能力的演员用较高报酬或其他手段拉入自己的戏班
Would Presti , Ujiri or San Antonio 's R.C. Buford be interested in either gig ? Who knows ? But it 's stunning that neither team bothered to try .
In the past six months alone , the Australian-born company fortified its senior executive ranks with high-profile hires from Amazon , PayPal , Google , and Twitter .
NCAR and UCAR postdocs have received their doctorates from all over the world , from as close as the University of Colorado at Boulder to as far away as Kyoto University in Japan .
I heard that the food and beverage department manager was recruited from another company .
The Mets are pretty interested .
Star tutors have to sign non-compete clauses and several poaching attempts have escalated into messy legal disputes .
Maybe I can bluff my way into getting a pay raise by pretending I 've had another job offer .
As a result , international banks are having to poach staff from Brazilian companies , luring them with big pay packages .
The bank has spent a lot of money poaching senior bankers in Asia and Europe , many of whom have since quit the firm .
On Thursday evening , Google revealed it was paying Porat nearly $ 70.7 million in cash and stock to make her noteworthy exit from Wall Street .
Now the Yankees appear to be on the verge of reinforcing this approach , with the trading of Randy Johnson to arizona , again for pitching prospects .
Unlike most baseball-playing countries , Cuba has no professional league to cream off its top talent , and hostile relations with Washington keep its elite from migrating to the U.
Even though consultancy firms usually have a clause in the contract prohibiting clients from poaching any of the consultants who are working with them , in practice this can happen at any time .