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wā jiǎo
  • lure away the employees of another company/organization by making attractive offers
挖角 [wā jiǎo]
  • [undermine] 把别的戏班中有叫座能力的演员用较高报酬或其他手段拉入自己的戏班

  1. 谁也不知道是否普雷斯蒂、乌杰里或者马刺的RC布福德对这两份工作之一有兴趣,但令人惊讶的是两只球队居然都懒得去尝试挖角。

    Would Presti , Ujiri or San Antonio 's R.C. Buford be interested in either gig ? Who knows ? But it 's stunning that neither team bothered to try .

  2. 仅过去6个月,这家诞生于澳大利亚的公司不断从亚马逊(Amazon)、贝宝(PayPal)、谷歌(Google)和Twitter挖角,其高管团队的实力由此大大增强。

    In the past six months alone , the Australian-born company fortified its senior executive ranks with high-profile hires from Amazon , PayPal , Google , and Twitter .

  3. NCAR的和乌卡博士后已收到来自世界各地的博士学位,从像在科罗拉多大学博尔德尽可能接近,日本京都大学挖角。

    NCAR and UCAR postdocs have received their doctorates from all over the world , from as close as the University of Colorado at Boulder to as far away as Kyoto University in Japan .

  4. 听说这次餐饮部经理是被挖角来的?

    I heard that the food and beverage department manager was recruited from another company .

  5. 大都会队相当有兴趣挖角。

    The Mets are pretty interested .

  6. 明星补习教师必须签订竞业禁止条款,数次挖角尝试已升级为混乱的法律纠纷。

    Star tutors have to sign non-compete clauses and several poaching attempts have escalated into messy legal disputes .

  7. 也许我能吹嘘说另有挖角,以达成加薪的目的。

    Maybe I can bluff my way into getting a pay raise by pretending I 've had another job offer .

  8. 因此,跨国银行必须要从巴西企业挖角,以极高的报酬吸引他们加盟。

    As a result , international banks are having to poach staff from Brazilian companies , luring them with big pay packages .

  9. 该行曾花费大量资金在亚洲和欧洲资深银行家中间挖角,其中许多人后来又离开了汇丰。

    The bank has spent a lot of money poaching senior bankers in Asia and Europe , many of whom have since quit the firm .

  10. 随后,在上周四晚间,谷歌披露,为了促成这次引人关注的“挖角”,谷歌将付给波特拉近7070万美元的现金和股票薪酬。

    On Thursday evening , Google revealed it was paying Porat nearly $ 70.7 million in cash and stock to make her noteworthy exit from Wall Street .

  11. 现在洋基队显示出处在相同的边缘,把巨怪交易到亚利桑那,再次挖角年轻有潜力的投手。

    Now the Yankees appear to be on the verge of reinforcing this approach , with the trading of Randy Johnson to arizona , again for pitching prospects .

  12. 古巴与大部分棒球国家不同,它没有职业棒球联盟,所以不愁顶尖高手被挖角。

    Unlike most baseball-playing countries , Cuba has no professional league to cream off its top talent , and hostile relations with Washington keep its elite from migrating to the U.

  13. 即便咨询公司通常会在合同条款中规定,禁止客户从自己那里挖角,但实际上这种情况在任何时候都可能发生。

    Even though consultancy firms usually have a clause in the contract prohibiting clients from poaching any of the consultants who are working with them , in practice this can happen at any time .