
  • 网络dig-in basin
  1. 潮汐河段挖入式港池淤积的动力机制分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Siltation at Dig-in Basin of Tidal Reach

  2. 河港挖入式港池中若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems of the Dug-in Basin at River Ports

  3. 挖入式港池采用地连墙结构码头的施工实践

    Practice of Building Wharves of Diaphragm Walling in Dug in Harbour Basin

  4. 上海港外高桥挖入式港池进口航道航行条件研究

    Study on Entrance Route Navigation Conditions of Excavated Dock at the Waigaoqiao Port

  5. 挖入式港池口门回流运动特性分析

    Characteristic Analysis of Reflow in Entrance of Excavated Dock

  6. 内河挖入式港池减淤措施的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Sedimentation-Relieving of Inland Dig-in Basins

  7. 大型挖入式港池布局要点分析

    Analysis of Layout for Large Excavated-in Harbor Basin

  8. 内河挖入式港池轴线布置对回流泥沙淤积的影响

    Influence of Layout of Inland River Excavated Harbor Basin ′ s Axis on Sediment Accumulation

  9. 同时本文在最后也提到了进一步研究的问题,以便将来更好开展的挖入式港池回流的研究工作。

    Some suggestions are also proposed in order to continue to study the circumfluence in dredged harbor basins in future .

  10. 挖入式港池口门附近普遍存在回流运动,与此类似的情况是冲积河流低水头枢纽的引航道。

    There exists universally reflow in the entrance of excavated dock , which is similar to approach channel of low head hydro-junction located in alluvial river .

  11. 港池水域面积较大的单口门挖入式港池不利于港池水体与外界的交换,连通河涌是解决港池水体交换方式之一。

    It is disadvantaged for the excavated-in harbor basins water exchange flux which has large water area but only one mouth , and the linked river is a way to exchange the water from basin to the outside .

  12. 在大量的现场调查与模型试验资料的基础上,本文对受潮汐与不受潮汐影响的河流中挖入式港池的选址、港池及进港航道的平面尺度以及环保等问题进行了探讨。

    On the basis of large numbers of site investigations and model tests , this paper discussed the following problems for river dug-in basin under or beyond tide influence : site section , planning diameter of dug-in basin and channels and environmental protection .

  13. 本文阐述了长江镇扬河段近百年来河床演变对镇江港的影响,镇江港由凹岸的深水良港,演变为凸岸的挖入式港池;

    This article expounded the effect of the riverbed evolution of Zhenjiang-Yangzhou section of the Changjiang River over the past century on Zhenjiang port which used to be a deepwater harbour with concave bank and has been developed into a completely dredged port with convex bank .