
  1. 至今该催化剂已连续运转4年并且实现了现有装置由1.0Mt/a扩能改造到1.4Mt/a的挖潜增效的目的。

    Up to now , the catalyst has been continuously run 4 years , and realized the unit capacity expansion from 1.0Mt/a to 1.4Mt/a .

  2. 硅胶干燥系统挖潜增效的新途径

    New Approach for Tapping Potentials of Drying System in Silica-gel Procedure

  3. 酮苯脱蜡装置挖潜增效可采用的措施

    Available measures for increasing benefit in acetone benzol dewaxing unit

  4. 中小型水库挖潜增效的好途径

    A good way of developing the medium sized or small sized reservoirs

  5. 溶剂精制装置挖潜增效可采用的措施

    Available measures for increasing benefit in solvent refining unit

  6. 脉冲功率技术在低渗油田挖潜增效中的应用

    Applications of High Power Pulse Technology to Increase Production in Low Permeability Reservoir

  7. 催化裂化装置挖潜增效可采用的技术

    Available Techniques for Tapping Potentials of Catalytic Cracking Units

  8. 催化装置挖潜增效的新途径

    New Approach for Tapping Potentials of FCC Unit

  9. 随着油田勘探开发及控水稳油难度的加大,低渗透油藏已成为油田油气勘探、挖潜增效的重要的目标。

    With the difficulty enlargement of oil field development and water control , the exploration and potential excavation of low-permeability reservoir will be an important goal .

  10. 构建中心油库及优化资源配置是降低成本,挖潜增效的有效手段。

    Building up central oil depots and optimization of resources allocation are efficient means for enterprises to reduce costs and to tap potentials and increase profit .

  11. 介绍了武汉晨鸣纸业公司推行“三改两优化”措施,进行挖潜增效的经验做法。

    The paper introduces the practice of Wuhan Chenming Paper Industry Company in carrying out " three transformation and two optimization " to tap potentiality and increase efficiency .

  12. 随着物流作为第三利润源泉的作用愈加明显,在物流领域挖潜增效是目前企业关注的重点。

    With the role of logistics as " the third profit source " becoming ever more obvious , the enterprise focus on improving efficiency in the field of logistics .

  13. 实践证明该工艺为解决套变井、侧钻井、变壁厚等特殊井身结构井的防砂以及挖潜增效提供了一种新的途径和思路。

    Practice proves that this technique provide a new approach and thinking for sand control and tapping potential to improve effect in special-casing-configuration wells of the casing deformation well , the sidetrack well or the variable-casing-wall-thickness well .

  14. 从多侧面分析了石油钻井施工企业节能工作存在的问题,并对钻井企业如何开展节能降耗,挖潜增效,降低成本提出了有益的见解。

    Based on analysis of the existing problems in well drilling concerning energy saving , advice is given on how to save energy , exploit potentialities , increase effi - ciency , and reduce cost of well drilling industry .

  15. 这些技术措施必将为石化企业挖潜增效、降低成本提高竞争力做出巨大贡献,同时对解决石化企业解决环境问题有重要意义。

    These technological measures will contribute for digging the potential , improving the benefits , lowering the costs and increasing the competitiveness in petrochemical enterprises . What 's more it is significant to solve the environmental problem of petrochemical enterprises .

  16. 指出自动化技术是企业挖潜增效、增强企业市场竞争实力的最有效手段之一,我国石油化工企业必须提高自动化技术的应用水平。

    It was pointed out that automation is one of the most efficient means for tapping potentials and strengthening market competition power in enterprises . It is necessary for Chinese petrochemical enterprises to enhance the application level of automation techniques .

  17. 针对于20世纪80年代投产时间较长、技术配套差、能源消耗较大的湿蒸气发生器,为节能降耗,挖潜增效,提出了一套湿蒸气发生器节能改造的综合技术。

    In allusion to the wet steam generators manufactured in the 80s of 20th century with long performance and inferior complete set technology and the higher consumption of energy , in order to save the energy , reduce the consumption and enhance the efficiency , synthetic technology was put forward .

  18. 但与此同时也面临巨大的挑战,要提高燃气电站的经营效益,注重挖潜增效,以促进充分发掘天然气和发电相结合的全部优势。

    But at the same time , there is a great challenge to improve the operating efficiency of gas power stations , it requires us to focus on tapping the potential efficiency , in order to explore all advantages that produced by the combining of natural gas and power generation .

  19. 钻调整井是老油区挖潜的主要手段,而调整井固井质量的好坏直接影响着二、三次采油产层的分层处理和挖潜增效,关系到老油区提高采收率的问题。

    Adjust well is the major method to increase preduction in the old oil field . The adjust well 's cementing quality will directly affect the seperate zone production and well stimulation of the secondary and tertiary recovery and relate to improve recovery in old oilfield .