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wā ku
  • speak sarcastically or ironically;whip;speak sarcastically;disparage sb. by innuendoes;sarcasm;jibe;bitch;dig
挖苦 [wā kǔ]
  • [whip;speak sarcastically;disparage sb. by innuendoes] 用俏皮话讽刺

  • 他们一定会用俏皮话挖苦我

挖苦[wā ku]
  1. “不用你费心。”她挖苦地说。

    ‘ Thanks for nothing , ’ she said acidly .

  2. “不必挖苦人嘛。”她说。

    ‘ There 's no need to be sarcastic , ’ she said .

  3. 他总是拐弯抹角地挖苦我。

    He kept making sly little digs at me .

  4. “还真有用咧。”她狠狠挖苦道。

    ‘ That will be useful , ’ she snapped with heavy sarcasm .

  5. “咳,她还是个孩子呢。”他尖刻地挖苦道。

    ' Oh , she 's just a kid , ' he said scathingly .

  6. 挖苦的话到了她嘴边却没说出来。

    A sarcastic remark was on the tip of her tongue .

  7. 西点军校的同学们曾挖苦地戏称他为“美人”。

    Classmates at West Point had ironically dubbed him Beauty .

  8. 他常常讽刺或挖苦人,有时又会大发雷霆。

    He was often caustic and mocking , or flew into rages .

  9. “太遗憾了,”格雷厄姆略带挖苦地说道。

    ' What a pity , ' Graham said with a hint of sarcasm

  10. 戴夫糟糕的表演结束后,她忍不住想挖苦他一番。

    She couldn 't resist a dig at Dave after his unfortunate performance .

  11. 我今天到这儿来不是为了讽刺挖苦,我是想提些建议。

    I didn 't come here today to jeer : I want to give advice .

  12. 在最庄严的时刻他脸上会闪现嘲弄的微笑或说一句讽刺挖苦的话。

    At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark

  13. 弗雷德对讽刺挖苦置之不理。

    Fred ignored the sarcasm .

  14. 人们中学时常把我称作“万人迷先生”,但他们是在挖苦我。

    People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school , but they were being ironic .

  15. 他动辄便揶揄挖苦一番——这个人不上档次。

    He always throws out the tacky comment and the cheap shot . He has no class .

  16. 当保罗挖苦你是“著名的女侦探”时,我开始怀疑他是不是故意刁难你。

    When Paul made the crack about the ' famous girl detective ' , I began to suspect that he had it in for you .

  17. 他说话总是带着一丝挖苦的味道。

    He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm .

  18. 那是对我的挖苦。

    That was meant to be a dig at me .

  19. 她惯于用尖酸刻薄语言挖苦人。

    She was given to using bitter sarcasm .

  20. 她用尖刻的挖苦话使人哑口无言。

    She squelched them with biting sarcasm .

  21. 她挖苦的语言刺伤了他的虚荣心。

    Her sarcasm wounded his vanity .

  22. 最后那句话是为了挖苦我。

    That last remark was a dig at me .

  23. 她经常挖苦其他人,好像她比别人好一样。

    She often digs at others as if she were better than anyone else .

  24. 如果我以前不知道你老是挖苦我,那么现在我知道了。

    If I had not known before that you were trying somehow to abash me I should know it now .

  25. 报纸专爱挖苦那个队

    The newspapers are too fond of knocking the team .

  26. 她望着她那挖苦人的父亲,只讪讪地笑了一下。

    Looking at her satiric parent she only gave a little laugh .

  27. 他喜欢挖苦别人。

    He enjoys making caustic remarks about other people .

  28. 雷德不好好干,总是吊儿郎当,要不就想出些俏皮话来挖苦人

    Red always goofs off , or thinks of a smart crack instead of working .

  29. 他们狠狠地挖苦他的新书。

    They roasted his new book .

  30. 伯莎皱起眉头,她觉得要把溜到嘴边的挖苦话咽下去是件难事

    Bertha frowned , finding it difficult to repress the sarcasms that rose to her lips .