
  • 网络coastal port
  1. 本文研究将改进的最大熵分布应用于海岸港设计潮位的推算,计算精度较高,可克服传统方法推算设计潮位值的不足,具有理论与工程意义。

    An improved maximum entropy distribution is utilized to calculate the design tide level . The computation accuracy is higher and the shortage of traditional method is overcome . The method is of important theoretics and engineering meaning .

  2. 江苏海岸王港地区盐沼植被变化的TM图像分析

    Spatial and temporal variations in salt-marsh vegetation in Wanggang area , Jiangsu coast , based upon TM imagery analysis

  3. 淤泥质海岸天津港工程泥沙治理与功效

    Tianjin Port engineering sediment treatment and efficacy on silt coast

  4. 粉沙质海岸建港的新模式

    A New Mode of Establishing Harbor on Silt Coast

  5. 本文用物理模型方法对沙质海岸上港工建筑物下游海岸冲刷形态进行了实验研究。

    The paper is or the study of the downdrift-beach erosion resulted from the construction of engineering structures on sandy coast by means of physical model test .

  6. 书中收录了一幅1816年约翰·康斯太勃尔(JohnConstable)的油画,画面上是英国南部海岸的避风港韦茅斯湾,天空中笼罩着一片阴云。

    His book reprints an 1816 oil painting of Weymouth Bay , a sheltered cove on England 's south coast , by John Constable - the sky above churning with dark clouds .

  7. 淤泥质海岸开敞式港池淤积预报与验证

    Siltation prediction and verification of unsheltered basin at mud coast

  8. 淤泥质海岸上建港的泥沙淤积分析及方法

    Investigation on Silt Deposition of a Harbour Built on the Silty Coast

  9. 如东海岸的建港优势与深水港建设的可行性

    Particular advantages of Rudong Coast and feasibility of the construction of deep-water harbor

  10. 西海岸-波尔多港附近。

    The west coast-near bordeaux .

  11. 中国投资大量涌入克罗地亚汽车行业、休闲服务业以及基础设施建设行业,比如亚得里亚海岸的扎达尔港。

    Investment from China has flowed into Croatia 's auto industry and leisure services sector , as well as into infrastructure construction , the port of Zadar on the Adriatic coast .

  12. 近岸水动力环境是对海岸带及港工建筑物产生直接影响的重要因素,也是海岸带及近海工程中重要的研究内容之一。

    Nearshore hydrodynamic environment is the great factor which directly affect the coastal zone and port structures , and it is one of the key research contents in the coastal zone and offshore engineerings .

  13. 工程建设的成功,为在有大量沿岸输沙的开敞海岸上建港积累了宝贵的经验,可供同行在今后的建港工作中借鉴。

    The success of port construction in this area provided valuable experiences for the construction of other port projects in the open coastal line with huge longshore sediment transport , and therefore may be used for reference in the future .

  14. 周二晚些时候,中海油与加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省政府签署了一项协议,开始研究在加拿大西海岸的鲁珀特王子港(PortofPrinceRupert)建造一个LNG出口厂的可行性。

    Cnooc signed an agreement with the government of British Columbia , a Canadian province , late on Tuesday to examine the viability of an LNG export plant near Prince Rupert , a port city off the western coast of Canada .

  15. 海南岛沿岸多港湾,主要有3种类型的潮汐汊道型港湾:1沙坝&泻湖型潮汐汊道港湾主要分布在东南部海岸,以三亚港最为典型。

    Hainan Island coast has many tidal branch estuaries , mainly grouped under 3 types , namely sand bar lagoon type , estuarine type and drowned valley type . The first type is mostly distributed in the southeastern coast , and Sanya Port is its representative .