
  • 【石油】offshore oil pollution
  1. 利用SAR图像监测海上石油污染的实验分析

    An Experimental Analysis on Monitoring Oil Pollution with SAR Image

  2. 大量石油的进口,不可避免的给我国带来了海上石油污染的威胁。

    Large oil imports inevitably bring threat of oil pollution to the country .

  3. 海上石油污染的监测与清除

    Monitoring and Removing of Oil Pollutant at Sea

  4. 海上石油污染对生态环境有着极大的危害,直接威胁了人类的生存与发展。

    Marine oil pollution has a great threat to the marine ecological environment , it determines the survival and development of mankind directly .

  5. 利用卫星遥感技术监测海上石油污染是一个亟待发展和完善的课题,遥感图像的数字处理工作是影响溢油监测准确性的关键。

    It is a developing project to monitor ocean oil spills by satellite remote sensing , and the image processing is the key work of it .

  6. 目前,有关钻井平台油污损害的国际法律文件和国内法规定缺失,使得海上石油污染损害赔偿没有统一的标准和要求。

    At present , the absence of international legal documents and domestic law regulations on oil pollution damage caused by drilling platform results in lacking of unified standards and requirements of oil pollution damage compensation .

  7. 例如2010年发生在墨西哥湾的海上石油管道泄漏污染和大连陆上输油管道起火爆炸事故。

    For example , in 2010 the Gulf of Mexico offshore oil pipeline leak pollution and land-based oil pipeline fire explosion accident in Dalian .

  8. 通过对海上石油平台防污染管理的相关国际公约、国内法规的梳理,分析了国际公约和国内法规的异同点,并结合管理现状提出了建议。

    This paper , through considering the relevant international and national instruments , provides analysis of the common futures and difference between the international conventions and national regulations regarding pollution control of the offshore platforms . The paper also gives some suggestions based on the present management status .

  9. 海上运输特别是海上石油运输是造成污染的主要原因之一。

    With the developing of China 's modern economy , marine environment has been effected Oil shipping is one of the main reasons for the pollution of the sea .