
  • 网络sponge zirconium
  1. 应用ICP-AES法,对核纯海绵锆中17个杂质元素的测定进行了试验研究。

    A methed for determing 17 impurity elements in sponge zirconium of nuclear purity has been studied experimentally .

  2. 生产试验结果表明,海绵锆中杂质铁的固定来源一原料带入及海绵锆与不锈钢坩埚壁的交互作用一不是导致铁含量出格的原因。

    It has long been believed that interaction between reduced sponge zirconium and stainless steel container was the main cause responsible for the super-contamination of sponge zirconium by iron .

  3. 我国工业级海绵锆产量从2003年的100t增加到2005年的174t,2005年的销售量达到150t;

    The output of industrial zirconium sponge increased to 174 t in 2005 from 100 t in 2003.Its sale in 2005 was 150 t. The annual outputs of zirconium powder and Zr-Al getter , etc.

  4. 主合金元素Sn,Fe,Cr,以Zr-Sn-Cr-Fe中间合金的形式,在压制电极块时加入到海绵锆中,氧以金属氧化物的形式加入,并建立了在加入金属氧化物的Zr-4合金的配料公式。

    The main alloying elements Sn , Fe and Cr were added into zirconium sponge at compacting time in the form of master alloy Zr-Sn-Cr-Fe . The oxygen was added in the form of oxide metal , and a burden calculation formula was presented for adding oxygen by metal oxide .

  5. 海绵锆的生产工艺技术及技术标准的发展

    Development of Production Technology and Technical Standard for Zirconium Sponge

  6. 氯化炉是生产海绵锆及其化合物过程中的主要设备。

    Chloride-furnace is the main equipment of producing zirconium sponge and zirconium compound .

  7. 用途:用于火器海绵锆燃烧剂,也适用于合金添加剂及化工、民用等。

    Usage : as fuel agent in firearm zirconium sponge , alloy additive , also used in chemical industry and civil use .

  8. 前言:本文论述了海绵锆稀有金属生产中素有“电老虎”之称的真空提纯炉,以及通过改进炉体结构,采用新技术、新材料对其进行的节能改造。

    The paper states the reforms of the vacuum purifying oven used in the production of rare metal sponge zirconium , and the measures taken for saving energy is stated also .